The New School Year

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It was the start of a new school year. Eager young fairies were running around the courtyard of Alphea to catch up with their friends. The new fairies were more shy than others, but soon they'd fit right in. 

To be technical, school didn't start for another week, but often fairies would come earlier to meet their new teachers and get settled before school.

Bloom brushed the hair out of her face and took a deep breath. She was back. The warm sun shined down on her. Could anything be better?

"Bloom!" Yelled a voice across the courtyard. 

Bloom's sight darted to the voice. Flora was running towards her, her luggage trailing behind. Her face was lit with happiness. Another school year meant more time together as friends. They'd be lying if they said they weren't excited.

"Flora!"  Bloom liberated as  she met her half way. 

Luggage was dropped as the girls embraced each other. 

"How was your summer?!" Bloom eagerly asked Flora.

As unlikely as it was, Flora somehow managed to smile even brighter. "It was amazing Bloom.  I got to go help animals in The Amazon Forest down on earth." 

"That sounds amazing." Bloom commented. "I got to visit my parents-both of them." She added.

The two girls quickly caught up with each other and began to head to their rooms. It was weird coming back to Alphea to teach for another year. Bloom still wasn't used to teaching at Alphea. They all weren't, but who could blame them? They were students at heart.

Flora pushed open the door to their dorms. It was big and spacious, almost exactly how they left it a year earlier. The stairs, the kitchen, all of it. Even Flora's house plants were still in bloom. The best part was the very center.  Aisha boarding around the room on morphix. 

It was good to be back home. 

"Hey Aisha!" Bloom waved.

"Bloom?" Musa poked her head out of her bedroom. "I thought I heard familiar voices." 

Flora set her bags down. "Is Tecna with you?" 

"Yep, she's working on some radar thing."  Musa explained. "It's supposed to give us a warning for when.. they.. come." 

Names have power don't they? Bloom was eager to change the topic. She still hadn't told any of the girls what Mrs. Faragonda told her at the end of the year. 

"What about Stella?" Bloom diverted.

"We thought she'd be with you." Aisha commented as she slipped down to the ground. 

Musa checked her watch. "Usually she's the first one here."

"I bet she just got caught up with Brandon." Flora teased. "She'll be here later, she never misses the start of a school year."

"I guess you're right." Bloom concluded as she headed off to her room to unpack.

Later that night when all the girls unpacked, Bloom decided to wait on the balcony for any sign of Stella. She still wasn't here and Bloom was starting to worry. "Where are you Stella.."

The other girls had gone to bed early. They had a big day ahead of them. First impressions  are always the most important. 

Flora slid the door open and stepped outside. "You shouldn't worry Bloom.. Stella always gets excited about the beginning of the year."

"That's why I'm worried.." Bloom looked up at Flora. "She's never late."

"You should get some rest, if she isn't here by tomorrow morning we can tell Miss F." Flora ushered Bloom into their room.

All of The Winx needed their beauty sleep, as Stella would put it. Bloom found it harder to fall asleep not knowing where Stella was. She had texted her countless times today with no response, but even Bloom couldn't stay awake for long.

Soon enough they were all sound asleep.

"I hope she's okay." Bloom thought.

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