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A strong wind blew Bloom's hair madly on the top of Alphea, a school for talented fairies. Her eyes drifted down to the courtyard of the school. Various colors and lights streamed from down below as the school celebrated its anniversary. It was a party everyone looked forward to every year.

Her ears caught a wisp of her friend's laughter. They were gorgeous, all of them. Stella put every ounce of effort she had for the past six weeks making them. A ping of guilt spread through Bloom's heart as she realized Stella's hard work going to waste. Bloom's dress, the first one Stella made, was downstairs still in their dorm. She wouldn't be wearing it tonight.

The Headmistress of Alphea, Faragonda, had requested Bloom's presence. Only, no one was allowed to know. Even The Winx weren't allowed to know. 

Maybe it had to do with The Dark Riders. Ever since The Winx were defeated, everyone started to lose hope. They were more powerful than anything they've ever seen before. Not even their combined attacks had any power over them. 

Maybe the nearness of time's end was what brought everyone together tonight. It seemed to be the best party they've ever had at Alphea. It was an amazing thing. Failure hurt, but brought so many together. Success protected you, but only from gaining relationships.

The only reason The Winx were still alive right now was because of The Dark Riders. They didn't seem humane. Yet, somehow they knew that keeping them alive would only cause them more sorrow in the end.

A Red Fountain ship flashed before her eyes before it landed in the courtyard. Normally Bloom would lurch at the opportunity to see Sky, but this time she just turned around to head back inside. There was no point in getting her hopes up.

Her frail feet tapped on the stone stairs as she made her way back down. Her hand slid through her hair to straighten it from all the wind. Why me? Why does Faragonda want me?

The Winx were teachers now, it was insane. Just a few years ago they were students cramming to pass final exams, now they were the ones giving them. 

Bloom sped up her pace, it wouldn't be too long until the others started to look for her. It would be best if she was in Miss Faragonda's office at that time. Luckily, almost everyone was outside already and she walked uninterrupted to the office.

Her hand went to knock on the door before it froze. Should she knock? She's a teacher now isn't she.. Her mind tried to go back deep into her memories when she would watch teachers enter her office.. did they knock?

"Come in." She heard a raspy voice say.

Miss Faragonda was not the young girl she used to be. Sure, when Bloom met her she wasn't young either, but now it was starting to show. Even her magic was fading with age.

Her hand grasped the door knob and pushed the door open. It was the same little office from her first day, the day when she joined Alphea.

"You'll want to sit down. This will take a while." Miss Faragonda told her.

Bloom sat without questioning her. 

It was silent for a moment, but Bloom did not speak. There wasn't anything for her to say yet. She had no idea why she was here.

"Do your friends know anything about this?" Miss F finally asked.

"Not a soul.. Just how you wanted it." Bloom faded off.

Miss Faragonda and Bloom stared at each other silently. Faragonda seemed to be taking her sweet time.

"Now as you know The Dark Riders are kicking our butts."

Bloom's heart jumped a beat. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry. Miss F usually never had that kind of language. Was she trying to make a joke? Or were they doomed?

"Do you have a suggestion?" Bloom anxiously asked. 

"Well, as you already know, you and the Winx are not strong enough to stand a chance. Your Bloomix powers can only take you so far." Miss F explained.

Blooms eyes drifted to her lap. If only she was stronger... 

"I'm afraid we must take drastic measures." The headmistress continued.

Bloom nodded silently. Why weren't the other Winx here too?

"Now keep in mind this is just a suggestion." Miss F explained. "It is so drastic that it makes me afraid for all of Magix." 

"What is it?" Bloom asked.

Miss Faragonda seemed reluctant to share. This was a doorway she preferred to keep locked.

"Well Alphea had this student once." Miss F began. "She was unlike the rest. She was the strongest. The best student I've ever had." 

Bloom spoke eagerly. "Where can we find he-" She stopped. This seemed like good news, but Faragonda acted like it was world threatening.

"Before you ask, let me explain." Miss F said. "Even though she was strong, she was too strong. We had to kick her out before she finished her first year. She's dangerous. No one has communicated with her in years."

Bloom nodded in understanding.

"It will be your duty to keep her in line, that is, if you choose to find her. In the end it is your choice, you may ask for your friend's opinions and assistance, but in the end it is your assignment. Now go think about it long and hard."

Bloom stopped, why was it her assignment? Why couldn't The Winx work together like they always have?

"Don't come back until you have your decision." 

Winx Club Fan Fiction: The Fairy Who Didn't ChooseWhere stories live. Discover now