Stella and Aisha

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Stella watched as her friends fled to the left and right. It was just her and Aisha against Aisha's Dark Rider. Stella's Dark Rider appeared before her. 

     "Together?" Aisha asked.

     "Always." Stella said.

The girls both crossed their arms and yelled "Bloomix!" (See video)

Both girls transformed. 

     "Light burst!" Stella yelled as she blasted towards them.

They just absorbed the attack. No damage was done. 

     "Morphix seal!" Aisha yelled as she aimed it towards the two men.

Again nothing happened. The spell just disappeared. 

     "Our spells aren't working!!" Stella exclaimed.

Together they did a magix convergence. The spell just made them stronger. The Dark Riders sneered and snickered at their stupidity. The Dark Riders did their own magix convergence. It hit Stella and Aisha with such force that they flung backwards. The Dark Riders covered them in Morphix. It was impossible to move. They started to drag Stella and Aisha towards the right. Unconscious Tecna and Musa were on the floor. They were in a Tecno Net. Stella and Aisha gasped when they saw them. 


Bloom and Flora ran down the hall. Students were screaming and rushing for safety. Two Dark Riders were attacking a group of students. They flung a dragon heart at them. 

     "Untame-able Ivy!" Flora yelled as she used her magic to have plants create a shield for the students.

     "Everyone get out!" Bloom yelled at everyone.

Students all ran dashing for safety. 

     "Winx Bloomix!" Flora and Bloom said in unison.

They transformed. The Dark Riders started to fling all sorts of spells at them. They tried to dodge most of them but it was no use. They were hit. They fell down. Bloom saw Flora get tangled in Ivy. Bloom tried her hardest to get up. She couldn't let them win. She was struck with the dragon flame and she went down. She herself was covered in ivy. Four other Dark Riders walked in with Tecna, Musa, Stella, and Aisha. Everyone had lost. Who knows what would happen next?! Anything could. Luckily Miss Faragonda walked in and blasted the Dark Riders away. They all fell into smoke. Miss Faragonda then release the winx from their prison. She instantly took everyone into her office and shut the door.

Winx Club Fan Fiction: The Fairy Who Didn't ChooseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora