The Party

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Bloom stayed on the opposite of the door, ready at any moment. The shadow at the door was moving closer. Until it stopped at last, right by the door. Bloom froze, any movement now could be fatal. The door started to creak open. Bloom held her breath ready for anything. The shadow was visible now. Well sort of, it was still covered in darkness but you could make out a man. It had to be a Dark Rider there was no doubt about it. He reached for the light switch. He flicked it on and Bloom got ready to transform. 

     "Winx Blo-" Bloom started to say before she was cut off by a hand that covered her mouth. 

     "Its okay Bloom. Its just me." A familiar voice said as he release his grip on her mouth.

Bloom took a good look and noticed the figure.

     "Oh gosh Sky you frightened me!" Bloom said as she hugged him.

     "I'm sorry Bloom I didn't mean to frighten you." Sky apologized. "We all were just wondering where you've been."

      "Miss Faragonda had to see me." Bloom said.

      "Well then let's get down to the party. I believe you owe me a dance." Sky said as he guided her down the hall.

The gesture almost made Bloom forget about the news she had to tell her friends. The sound of the party did sound truly good to her, but the thought of bringing that girl in clouded most of her thoughts. Yet she still let Sky lead her towards the party. The whole courtyard was filled with balloons and streamers. The girls work obviously. Bloom worried for her friends. They had no defense. Of course Bloom didn't either, but that fact was small. Her friends mattered more, so much more. They meant the world to Bloom. She would do anything for their safety. Perhaps this girl is a good idea. Plus she could be nice. Her thought was interrupted by the girls rushing to her side.

     "Where have you been?" Aisha asked.

    "You almost missed the cake!" Stella said as they strolled over towards the table.

The guys were sitting at the table and the girls sat down as well. Bloom took a seat. 

    "So... Why were you late?" Stella asked.   "Were you with your other friends?!?!" 

    "Stella you know I don't have any other friends." Bloom said smiling.

    "That still doesn't answer the first question." Tecna pointed out.

    "I was just thinking." Bloom said to the girls.

Miss Faragonda strolled out of Alphea. She too was enjoying the party. 

    "Well I want to dance." Stella said as she took Brandon by the hand and pulled him to the dance floor.

    "Same." Flora said as her and Helia went to the dance floor as well. 

Soon everyone seemed to be dancing, and for that moment everything was safe and perfect, and then that moment ended.

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