Chapter: 3 Not all Meetings are Good.

Start from the beginning

Storms were so not my friend. I don't like them one bit. My eyes fell on someone that was standing out there underneath one of the oak trees, but I couldn't see if it was a girl or a guy standing there. The shadows made it hard to see as I try to make the figure out, but I can feel their eyes on me. It was like last night all over again. My eyes widen as my heart seems to hammer away in my chest. I even try to calm myself down by being rational as I can be. The bell ranged jolting my attention away from the window and look around to see the other students getting up from their seats. 

With shaky hands, I gather up my book and notebook before stuffing them in my bag. My eyes look over at the window again to see nothing there. Not even that dark figure. Who was he or she? Was I being stalk? Should I be afraid of that person? I don't even want to think about it right now. Not now. With easy movements, I follow the others out of the classroom and into the hallways. I felt a little bit better in a crowd like this. That figure or whoever it was, it had me frighten. That makes it the second time that I saw that person. 

With a shake of my head, I fell into the crowd while making my way to my locker. I didn't see Abigail nor did I see Irene anywhere. I wonder where they were or if they were still getting out of their classes. It wouldn't surprise me if they were. Especially, Irene, I knew how important her grades were to her. 

I hope she was in a better mood than earlier when I had seen her. I can only hope if her attitude had changed or not, but I highly doubt it. She was stubborn as a mule and wouldn't even budge at all if someone was coaxing her. I reach my locker while pulling out the textbook and place it in my locker. I took my math one out and place it in my bag as I had homework for that one. As I switch out my books, my eyes had narrow on Abigail and a guy that I didn't know. I close my locker door and waited for Abigail to come bounding over to me. 

As I slung my bag over my shoulder, Abby did see me and gave me a friendly wave before heading over to my direction. I didn't see Irene yet, but that didn't mean she wasn't stalking somewhere. Maybe, she was already outside waiting for us. Who knows with that girl? Once Abby was in hearing range I asked her, "Hey, where's Irene?"

Abigail let out a sigh, "I haven't seen her at all. I thought she'll meet up with me in our usual spot, but she didn't show up."

I made a 'hm' noise while not knowing why Irene did that. I only shrugged my shoulders, "Who knows with that one? Did you send a text to her?" 

As if on cue, her phone dinged while notifying that she had received a text message. Abigail brushes back her blonde hair and tucks it behind her ear while punching in her password real quick. Not even a moment later, she had open the message that she had got, "It says here that she is staying after school and that her classmate is taking her." 

Usually, the sisters were inseparable, but it wasn't uncommon for them to be separated for long periods of time. Especially if they were doing something like schoolwork or hanging out with their own friends that intermingle between the sisters. Irene was acting out and something was bothering her, but what? I wonder what had gotten into her. 


It wasn't long before Abby and I return back home. The thing was that Lila was on the phone in the kitchen while we had walked in. All she did was give us a warm smile before pointing to the dining room and disappearing into the room. We share a confused look with each other before shaking our heads. Abigail headed over to the fridge as she pulled out some water before tossing me one. I nodded my head in thanks before leaving the kitchen and back into the living room. 

It felt good to lounge on the sofa after today. I still need to figure out my assignment for History class and a good introduction as well. I need to turn my notes into long paragraphs that will surely be three and a half pages long. If I am lucky to get that far, but it was coming along. Slowly. I took a swig of my water after unscrewing the cap. My thoughts were on today and the college guy had found me. I wonder for what reason. Well, I guess I would have known if Hayden didn't show up and be the little slut that she is. 

A soft sigh escapes from my lips while I tipped my head back and close my eyes. It has been a very long day. A nap would do just fine right about now, but I know better than that. There was homework that I needed to do and get dinner started with Abigail. I wonder where Irene was, but I am guessing that is who Lila was talking to on the phone. Maybe. I was only taking wild guesses. I was worried about her especially since she was grumpier than usual, but I didn't worry too long as Lila came into the living room with a heavy sigh.

Lila smiled at me before asking, "How was school?"

"Same as always. Piles of homework and essays." I grin from ear to ear.

She gently tapped my knee in a playful way before speaking, "I need to run out to do an errand. Will you and Abigail please start dinner?" 

"Of course, we will, Lila." A warm smile spread across my lips.

She pauses for a moment before speaking and sitting down on the sofa next to me. She took my hands in hers before speaking softly to me, "Remember that the memorial for your parents is coming up soon." 

My eyes widen and every horror of that night came back to my mind. Well, only bits and pieces of it. It was still blank as my mind had shut out the events because of how much trauma that I had taken that night. My smile fading into a tight grimace as my eyes brim with tears as it wasn't fair that my parents were taking away from me. She patted my shoulder and gently kiss my cheek, "I am glad that I took you in with my nieces. Your mother was my best friend and you were like my daughter that I never had. Go help Abigail in the kitchen. I will be right back before you can say dinner."

She pokes my cheek with a warm smile that didn't reach her eyes, but it did make me smile as well. Even a little bit. Lila stroke my hair before standing up and gather her purse that had her car keys in there. Abigail came into the living room to see her Aunt leaving, "Where is she going?"

"She'll be back before dinner. Let's get it started." I spoke while quickly getting up from the couch and squeeze past her before entering the kitchen. I knew she was looking after me, but she didn't say anything as we got to work on fixing dinner. 

I can't believe that I forgot the day that my parents had died. It was coming up soon and I wasn't even remotely prepare for it at all. 

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