Chapter 5- Crush?

Start from the beginning

"Wow. You are revolting. But I guess we are still friends anyways." She said with a smile was so big it couldn't be real.

I role my eyes at her and got up off the floor. My hair was in knots but River's bathroom product were all over the sink, so I just threw my hair up in pig tails and put my hat on over it. River didn't seem interesting in talking so I had no trouble getting out of the dorm. Thank goodness.

I walked to the cafeteria and got in line to swipe my lunch card. I was next in line so went to get my card out of my pocket. Lucky me I accidentally left it in my dorm.

"Crap." I mumbled to my self. 

"Is there a problem?" The lunch lady working the card table asked.

"No I just left something in my dorm." I walked out of the line and started to head for the door when I heard me name.

"Louise?" I turned around to see Danny. "Where are you going?" He had this goofy grin on his face and his ears were a bit red.

"I forgot my meal card in my room. I was just going to go get it." 

"No need for that." He pulled out his meal card and waved it in the air for me to see. "I got you covered." 

"Danny no. I can just go get mine."

"Naw. What are friends for right?"

"I'm sorry Danny but I haven't known you long enough to consider you a friend." The grin feel off his face and he turned an embarrassed red color.

"Look I know I'm not your ideal friend, but I tripped a guy for you and you owe me. So you are going to let me pay for your meal. And I could have gotten kicked off campus for pulling what I did, so yeah we are friends rather you like it or not." 

I was shocked and didn't know how to respond. I mean he was right. I guess only a friend would be willing trip your enemy.

"Okay fine. But just this once." The smile on his face came back and we both walked in together.

It was pizza night and the place was filling up quickly, but our little table in the corner was still empty. I walked to the table and sat down opposite of Danny. I got a drink of my tea and looked up to catch Danny and his green eyes looking right at mine. I smiled and my face grew hot. He smiled back and I'm curtain that I started blushing. I haven't had to really deal with school girl crushes since I was nine at the Boys  4 Now concert. None of the guys at my school had ever really sparked me as something special. But just as Danny smiled at me I realize I might have fallen into the pit again.

"I'll get us some napkins." I said quickly standing p from the table. I walked to the napkins farthest from our table and pulled out my phone. 

Louise: Tina!! Emergency! I think I have that thing again...    

Thank goodness it took her no time to answer the text.      

Tina: Which thing? The one we aren't supposed tel mom and dad about or the thing you don't like me bringing up?

Louise: The second one... :[

Tina: Okay well I mean like I said last time Louise. A crush is normal. Just do yourself a favor and don't slap him.

Louise: I didn't want to til you reminded me of it. Hurry with your advice. I'm supposed to just be getting us napkins.  

Tina: Just be nice and be yourself. And then ask him to be your date to my wedding. ;)

Louise: Thanks I guess. I'll try. Bye. See you Wednesday.

I shoved my phone into my pockets and walked back to the table. 

"Where are the napkins?" Danny asked confused. Crap I must have forgotten them.

"Sorry. I'll just go.."

"No. We don't need them. Sit down. Lets talk." 

I sat down and we talked about our our families. I told him how I'm pretty sure my whole family is insane, and how we have some weird adopted uncle named Teddy who mostly hangs around for my dad's burgers. He told me about how he lived with his Grandpa who would take him scuba diving in Florida. And haw he would sometimes see old ladies sneaking out of the house in the morning. We talked for hours and learned more than I thought  I could learn about a person in a day.

"So what about the ears?" He asked with a smile of curiosity.

"What about 'em?" 

"Why wear them? Do you have like a secret bald spot? Are you actually forty and you are trying to cover grey hairs? Come on, let me in on the story of your ears."

"Well I'm not forty and I'm not bald. I don't know I've just always had them. They kinda became my thing." He seemed pleased by my answer and pulled something out of his pocket. 

"I'm going to show you something, but you can't laugh."

"Sorry. No promises there."

"Yeah. I didn't really expect one." He smiled and pulled hos hand out of his pocket to reveal a small clay hippo no bigger than my thumb nail. "This is my thing."

"A  hippo?" I sad trying to hold back a smile.

"Go ahead and laugh. But I made this little guy in second grade and he has been my good luck charm ever since. You have your ears and I have my tiny hippo." he smiled at me and put the hippo back in his pocket. "Clearly he is working or I wouldn't be talking to you right now." His ears turned that tomato red color again and he ran his fingers through his hair. 

"Get out. This place has been empty for half an hour." We both jumped a bit and looked up to see what sounded like a man but looked like a woman standing at the end of our table. She was clearly the lunch lady with her apron and hair net.

"Sorry ma'am. We are on our way." Danny said apologetically. We both got out of our seats and walked out the front doors of the building. I checked my phone and the time said 11:50. Lights out was in ten minutes.

"Do you mind if I put my number in your phone. Just in case I can't find you at lunch or something." Danny asked.

"Sure." I handed him my phone and he typed  his number in then handed in back to me. Once he gave the phone back I went to my messages to text him to give him my number.


He looked at his phone and smiled. "Was that you that just texted me?" 

"Pft. No." 

"Yes it was. You said 'Hiya it's Louise'." He said reading the message aloud.

"Oh really? Well I guess it is then." I smiled at him and put my phone in my pocket. "Lights out is in less than ten minutes. I'll see you tomorrow." 


I walked back to my dorm thinking maybe this year wont be so bad after all. 

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