Chapter 14.

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Getting out of Nolan's grip he tossed and turned as I went off to the bathroom. Cutting the shower on I began to strip out of my clothes and got my spare toothbrush from the cabinet.

Once I was done I put one of Nolan's gym shorts on along with my sports bra and headed downstairs.

I looked over at the couch picking up both the envelopes and then walked into the kitchen looking them over.

tearing open the first one I had gotten a key fell out causing Me to jump back a little scared and confused. Picking it up I dropped it on the counter as I opened the piece of paper.

Hello again Amaris. Wondering why this key fell out of the envelope are you ? Well this key is s key that holds information to your mothers previous lawyer Chris who is now perhaps your mothers fiance.

"the Fuck" I yelled

So sudden and so soon Huh ? Well this key will all explain in a matter of time. All you have to do is go to 445 northwest street and ask for Robert. do these instructions as I had wrote them on this piece of paper if you still want to know the truth.
- goodbye.

"this is bullshit" I mumbled putting the letter down as I grabbed the other one waiting no time to open it.

Amaris time is ticking and you are not following instructions as I had layed them out on that recent piece of paper. You have 24 hours to complete this task or so be it. You won't know the truth and I myself won't continue to help you figure out what's going on.
Robert will be waiting for you get there soon or else.

"Oh now they threatening me" I mumbled as I crumpled up both envelopes along with their papers and threw it in the trash.

frustrated enough I took the key and put it in my pocket.

I began to take stuff out to prepare breakfast before Nolan woke up. It was the least I could've done for him agreeing to help me get my pops some help.


opening the blinds of Nolan's bedroom window I sat the tray of eggs, pancakes, hash browns, and sausage on the side of his drawer.

"wake up" I yelled pulling the covers off of his body as he mumbled before putting them back over himself

"Nolan get the hell up I have to get to work" I yelled again slapping his legs but he didn't budge.

Standing up I walked on the bed and began to now jump and yell his name as I laughed. Grabbing my leg he pulled me down as I screamed hitting the side of his face.

"You make things so difficult" I mumbled going over to his drawer picking up the tray and sitting it on his lap.

"Thank you baby" he smiled lifting himself up as he began to eat from his plate of food.

"I'm not your baby and hurry up. I gotta change, do I have any spare clothes here ?" I asked walking over to the room door.

"Uhm yeah I think." He licked his lips "it ain't good to be walking around with no shirt"

"and why not"

"they going to be mines soon so why does it even matter if I explain " he laughed as I stuck my middle finger up

"you so delusional"

"I love you to" he blew me a kiss as I put my other middle finger up leaving his room.


leaving the help center I went to the back of the library to go see if anybody needed help. I was on my lunch break but I wasn't really hungry. All that was on my mind was Nolan and how this date would turn out.

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