Chapter 6.

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I stood behind some elderly lady in the library line as she checked out about twenty movies and a couple of books that she probably wouldn't even read.

Nolan had asked me to come over today and then I would have to get home before my pops did so this lady was really testing the very patience I had left.

"next in line." She said as I moved myself forward looking for the same guy who said he would read over my application. "How are you today?"

"I'm good. Uhm last week or so there was a boy working here about my age I don't know his name but I do need to speak with him"

"You must be talking about jermaine. He's around back I'll go get him for you just wait here please."

I stood off to the side so the line would move up but it really didn't make a difference since there was about forty five people in the line trying to check out a book.

"You asked for me ?" He smiled walking towards where I was standing.

"Jermaine right ?" I asked smiling back.

"Yeah, and I also know what your here for. So the answer is yes I've looked over your application and it's close to what I'm looking for."

"and what exactly does that mean."

"It means you got the job. I didn't catch your name though ?"

"Amaris. When do I start"

"You work Monday through Friday. And have Saturday's and Sunday's off. That's okay with you right" he smirked as I laughed.

"It's perfectly fine. Well it was nice talking to you thanks for giving me the job."

"No problem I'll see you first thing next week Amaris" he said walking towards the employee only room.

When he disappeared into the room I headed straight to Nolan's house only having about five hours to spare. I knocked on his window as I watched him come out the bathroom

"Lift it up, I left it open"

I lifted the window up climbing into the room as he dropped his towel putting on a pair of boxers. I quickly looked away not noticing anything because I really didn't want to.

"nigga I know you see me in the room"

"it's my room Amaris. So therefore I'm going to drop naked at any time."

"change of conversation I have to tell you something important."

"Wassup ?"

I made myself comfortable on his computer chair as he began to put some clothes on.

"I got a job."

"Where" he said as he looked up at Me

"Library. I work Monday through Friday's I'm so fucking happy"

"damn you must be ecstatic because your ass ain't gon' have no time to see me or nothing" he frowned pulling up the laces on his shoes.

"ecstatic ?" I laughed as his face remained the same way it was about one minute ago. "I always got time for you so don't start tripping. I'm going to make time for you okay ?"

"alright but I did invite you here because I wanted to ask you out to go somewhere next Saturday if you want to go"

"Sure. You know where we going "

"I wanted to take you out to eat then maybe go to the beach or something. I don't know do you even like the beach ?" he stood up looking himself in the mirror.

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