"No, it's just not my favourite thing in the world." Levi groaned, his head flicking to the side as he heard the faint crunch of a stick behind him. Eren raised a brow as he leant to the side, looking behind Levi to see once of his best friends standing dead still.

"Oi, harpy, you're scaring him." Eren spoke, catching Levi's attention. The man turned and glared at Eren, before swiftly flying off into the pale blue sky, kicking up the golden sand as he did. Eren let out a defeated sigh before flopping down onto the rock, staring up into the sky, before his view was blocked by the face of his friend.

"Who was that?" The blonde boy asked, cocking his head to the side as he stared down at the merman.

"Hey Armin. That was Levi, why you asking?" Eren smiled, slipping down the rock to sit in the cool shallow water, leaving Armin to move and sit on the rock.

"Eren, he's a harpy for God's sake! Harpy's hunt down and kill mermaids and merman!" Armin spat out, fluttering his delicate fairy wings just to get his point across. The merman shrugged, splashing his tail around in the water as he bashfully looked away from the fairy.

"He was nice to me..." Eren mumbled, his brown locks swaying in the gentle breeze that was starting to pick up. The blonde fairy sighed, lowering his wings as he rested his head in his hand. Armin never understood why Eren tried to mess with the wrong people, because he knew it would just end badly. For example, a few months back Eren decided to mess with Jean. The two had never really gotten along before, but they never could. One was a land dweller, where as the other took to the sea. Eren oftened joked that Jean's parents were a harp and a centaur, as he was born a pegasi. However, that was not the truth. Being born a pegasi or unicorn, or even an alicorn, was extremely rare and those who were born and lived were considered as miracles.

Jean just happened to be in a bad mood the day Eren decided to mess with him, causing their whole feud to really boil up. The merman had been watching the pegasus converse with his adoptive sister, Mikasa. Mikasa was obviously not interested in him, and Eren being Eren decided to take action. The merman snuck up to the two, before flicking his powerful tail to soak the pegasus in chilly salt water. He found it hilarious - Jean didn't.

"He was nice because he's going to befriend you before devouring you!" Armin screetched, crossing his arms over his chest in a useless protest against Eren. Fairy dust fell from the blonde's wings as he got angered again. Eren fpund it cute, but knew that fairies were tricky little creatures that were really not to be messed with. Fairies can only ever have one emotion at once, but can quickly switch between many. They played the crafty pranks and created the best tricks of anyone.

"No, he was... Different." The brunette sighed, a small smile spreading onto his lips as he remembered how handsome Levi really was. His light grey eyes, and jet black hair.. It made Eren swoon.

"Eren, you can't be serious." Armin raised a brow, carefully watching Eren's face as it twisted and turned. Armin could read Eren like a book; he knew that look all too well.

The look of love.


The chirping of a nearby bird woke Levi from his sleep, causing the harpy to groan. Sure, he may be half bird, but that doesn't mean he can't get annoyed with actual birds. He sat up from where he had been sleeping, near a small, shallow pond and retracted his wings to behind his back as he sat up and stretched. The harpy rubbed his eyes as he adjusted to the bright morning sun shining through the canopy of tree's. The sun reflected on the water beautifully, and the dragonflies gracefully danced upon the water's clear surface.

Levi trudged over to waters edge and splashed his face with the cool water to wake himself up, as he definitely was not a morning creature. Whilst he was occupied washng his face, another creature sat himself down by the waters edge, right next to the harpy.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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