Yoyo: hello freshers!! As today is your first day in college we seniors thought of welcoming you in our special way..its very simple...you all have to come hear one by one and sit on your kneee and then salute us. So ready guys and yea whosever will disobey us that person gets ready to bear the punishment.

All the freshers one by one came and bent in front of the whole gang...as no one had that much courage to raise voice against them as everyone know that they all belong to very rich class and if anyone tries to mess with them ..they will really show them a real hell...but suddenly a sweet yet confidence voice stop them from doing this..they all turned up to find a girl who was dresses in a tight kurti and jeans, her hair were tied in a long ponytail and she was wearing a scarf around her neck...that girl was none other than  SANYUKTA AGARWAL

sanyu: what are you guys doing..how can you just listen to them. If its wrong to do injustice then to bear injustice is also wrong. In this way you are just encouraging them. And you people ( looking at the group) how can you behave likes this with your juniors. Being our seniors its your duty to make us comfortable in this new environment but what are you doing ? You are ragging us. Shame on you!!!

Sahil (one of gang member): oh really!! Now you will teach us that what should we do and what not?,no one has ever dare tk talk us in this tone then how dare you a bloody commoner do this...cum-on let us teach you only first how to talk to your seniors...come hear and kneel down in front of us.

sanyu: I hope you don't have any hearing problem..I said I will not encourage ragging in any way. I will not bend in front of you do what you want. I am not afraid of anyone. You guys just wait and watch i will lodge a complaint against you all. People like you need to be taught a lesson.

She was about to go when a hand stop her by holding her wrist..and said" so you will going to complain against us"..hearing the voice she turned around to back answer but was lost in the chocolate brown eyes of the handsome boy standing in front of her in white shirt and blue denim. She felt like the whole world has stop at the right place. Everything seems to become blur except the boy standing right in front of her eyes. Her trance was broken by snapping sound of his fingers. She looked at him and then around her only to feel embarrass because of her stupidity of losing self control.

boy( smirk): so Ms loser you will going to complain against me and my friends ?

sanyu(in a stammering voice) : yes..you you heard me right I am going to complaint against you people and will ensure that you guys got suspended from this college.

boy: okay then ( folding his arms around his chest) go and complain against us but yea when you report a complaint against us for ragging our juniors don't forget to add on one thing. Just told them that due to your stupidity of raising your head against the  randhir Singh shekhawat he kissed you in front of the whole college.

Before even she could react on his statement..he held her by nape and kissed her forcefully on her lips. The whole college witnessed this scenario with their wide open eyes. Some shut their eyes in embarrassment, some lowered their head and some were hooting on his shameless act. But this does n't last for long as sanyu forcefully push him and slapped him hard on his face turning his cheek into red. For a minute everything becomes quite..people were gawking at them as they knew what problem she had taken on her by slapping THE GREAT RANDHIR SINGH SHEKHAWAT.

randhir: YOU( he screamed)but cut by her

sanyu:( in a loud voice) what do you think of yourself? And how dare you touch me..if you think that I am among those weak girls who keep quite even after bearing every wrong doing then let me correct you Mr Shekhawat I am not like them. I will not let you go easily for playing with my dignity. (pointing finger)

With this she left from their living a fuming randhir behind. He was angry..hell angry..but more than that he was shocked because no one means no one had ever got that courage to talk to him in loud voice but that mere middle class girl had slapped him that too in front of the whole college. That was the beginning of their hateful relationship...which was filled with humiliation, taunts, revenge but in this torture sanyukta was the only one who used to suffer...but still she never set back from answering him back. After some time she was habitual of all this. His taunts and comments in fact him had become her habit, a habit which was slowly and steadily trapping her heart.

Someone has truly said that time waits for no one. If five years back someone had told me that i fell in love with that boy who had humiliated me in front of so many people then I must have chopped that person head.  And look today i am marrying that same arrogant jerk. It feels like my some long lost dream is getting complete today. But there is also a strange kind of fear..fear of my dream becoming a nightmare. But I will not lose my hope. I will fight for my love for my rights.(smiled with her self confidence).with that hope she went inside the washroom to get ready for the next ritual.


Haldi - a custom of applying a liquid paste of turmeric powder to the to be groom and bride. It is performed before wedding.

Ji - it used suffix used with the names in order to give them respect.

Sandhir Dark ff : When Dreams Become Nightmares (✔️) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ