Prologue- You

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I've been friends with Mark since we were... 3 or 4? Since we could properly formulate sentences, we have been inseparable. I mean, we lived across the street from each other for the longest time. We hung out or at least talked to each other every day. Even when one of us got sick, we would still talk on the phone or communicate in some way.

But did all of that change?

Of course.

When I was 16, I was diagnosed with leukemia. Of course, I was devastated. I was hospital ridden for chemo, and it's not like I could leave anytime I wanted. The nearest hospital that could properly treat me was about 2 hours outside of (Your Town/City)... Which meant that me, my mom and dad, my 2 older brothers, and my younger sister all had to move down closer to the hospital so I could be treated. I know this was hard on my family, and sometimes I feel guilty. But I was broken. I was leaving my home, my friends, my life in the best place on earth. Worst of all, I was leaving Mark. My best friend. The guy who I talked to literally every single day of my life. I wouldn't be able to call him every day either. But that didn't stop Mark.

I don't know why or how he did this for me, but Mark drove two hours down every day just to come and keep me company for an hour. Every day! He gave my family a break every day and promised that he would stay with me. Every day for a year... and every time it relapsed. Distance did not keep us apart- best friends until the end had taken on a new meaning.

I remember clearly though. I was 22, and I had just been cleared. The tests had come back all negative, and I couldn't be any happier. As my family walked out of the hospital with me, I felt free. For the first time in years, I wasn't connected to tubes, and I didn't feel weak. I felt like I could finally live my life once more. I stepped out of the doors and saw someone standing by our car on their phone a ways away. I didn't pay the person any mind, but I didn't know that my mother had been checking her phone all morning.

When we approached the parking lot, I saw that the person was a man, and he was well built, fair skinned and had a puff of blue hair... My best friend was standing in front of my car. I stopped dead in my track and my jaw hung open. Mark was standing... In front of my car! My family must have planned this, because when I stopped, they all just looked at me with wide smiles. I remember my sister yelling, 'Well? Go see him!' I full out sprinted toward Mark and when I reached him, I tackle- body slam- hugged him. I squeezed him as hard as I could, tears streaming down my cheeks. The moment we connected, I knew I loved him. All the time we spent together, all he had gone through to show me how much he cares and how important I am. I loved him, and I couldn't stop the feeling.

I'm 27 now, same as Mark, and these feelings are going strong.

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