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Clarke's POV:

I woke up in Octavia's bed, we had been talking all night about the pregnancy and everything. She's so helpful and she listened to everything. She told me I had to tell her brother and I agreed after some time thinking about it. He deserved to know about his child. I was just so scared of how he would react when I told him. I knew he loved me but, was he ready for this?

Octavia was still asleep and I slowly left our tent and went outside. I headed towards Bellamy's room, feeling the entire way like I was going to cry or throw up.

I walked in slowly and quietly till I noticed he was up and so was his room mate Robert, I didn't know Robert too well but he seemed sweet. As soon as I walked in I started crying. Him and Robert who were up talking just stared at me. I say on the edge of Bellamy's bed and balled my eyes out.

"Clarke.." He said but just hearing his voice made it all harder. He came and sat next to me but every time he touched me I pulled away. He was too good for this, for me, for a baby.

"Bellamy," I was coughing now I was crying so hard. "Please don't hate me." I looked into his eyes for the first time today.

"Did you cheat on me?" He said angrily and then stood up. He started pacing.

"No Bellamy not that." I said, I tried to stand but I had no strength so I sat back down. "I'm-" I started crying again. "Bell I'm pregnant." He just stopped everything and stared at me for what felt like years.

"Get out." He said low and terrifyingly.

"Bellamy please just-"

"Get out!" He yelled and pointed at the door. I ran to my room and fell to the floor. I was over run by tears. I couldn't breathe, I was shaking and coughing and screaming. Octavia immediately woke up and ran to my side. She hugged me in tightly and rocked back and forth.

"Shhhhhhh" She whispered which helped me to breathe and stop screaming. The shaking and crying eventually stopped after a while of sitting with Octavia.

"Tell me about it?" She suggested but I knew I didn't have to. I was going to though. She deserved to know.

"I walked into his tent to talk to him and broke down. I just cried and sat on his bed. He finally asked me what was going on then he thought I was cheating on him and then I told him. Once I told him he yelled at me to get out. " I told her everything and she just sat there. At the end she got up and started to open the door.

"O, where you goin?" I asked her. I already knew the answer.

"Bellamy." She walked out and I didn't stop her. I usually would be I couldn't stand to leave my tent and risk seeing him. If he so much as looked into my eyes I would crumble.

Bellamy's POV:

She was pregnant. Pregnant! I wasn't ready to be a father. I had no one else to blame but her and yet I felt bad when I did. Whatever, if I help her raise the kid I'll end up hurting him like I do everyone else.

I saw Octavia headed strait towards me but I knew I didn't want to talk to
her at all right now. I headed towards the room where the beer was. Maybe that would make this night disappear.

By the time I knew what was going on I was drunk and crying. I missed her and I felt horrible, the whole place had cleared and it was just me. I slammed my fist down at the table then heard the door open. I turned to see Clarke standing there, she saw me and just walked forward. She headed into medical, she grabbed a bottle that said pre-natal meds on it.

"I screwed up." I yelled as she walked out. She didn't acknowledge that I said anything.

"I took 17 shots trying to forget your name." I said and she finally turned. She looked hurt and tired. "But in the end, the only name I forgot was mine. See you're always in the front of my mind no matter what."

She came over and took the drink out of my hand, purring it down the sink. She sat in the chair next to me and put her head down.

"Your name is Bellamy." She said choking on her words.

"Right!" I laughed. "I knew that." I winked at her and she got out of her chair.

"Why did you make me leave?" She asked me and I knew this was a question that she wouldn't understand the answer of.

"Because sober Bellamy is an asshole." I responded and she half smiled.

"Can you talk to him about supporting me through this instead of blaming me?" A tear rolled down her cheek as she said it.

"He doesn't want to hurt the kid when they grow up. Like, what happens if he does something stupid and has to leave and then leaves the kid without a father?" I responded and grabbed her hand.

"So he hurt me instead?" She left me alone in the middle of a room to suffer through the pain of the words she had just said. They were only so painful because they were true and I was a horrible person to her. How could I fix this? Sober Bellamy better have some tricks up his sleeve or things are gonna go to shit.

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