Chapter 42

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The next day Rose woke up an hour earlier then she normally did and got ready to head to Professor Flitwick's office. She yawned all the way there- patrolling until two and then getting up at six only left her with four hours sleep, and she was extremely tired. She knocked on the door to the room around his office and was glad to find Flitwick was already up, dressed and ready for the day.

"Come in" his stern voice said and Rose nervously pushed the door in and walked in slowly and silently, looking at the floor. "Sit, I will talk to you in a minute, Mr Malfoy come with me first" Rose jolted her head up, she hadn't realised Scorpius was in the room 

"Scorpius! You don't have to do it" Rose exclaimed, knowing immediately he was there for the same reason she was 

"I can't have you doing it, you love being a prefect so much, and it's my fault you're giving it up, so I'm giving it up so you don't have to!" Scorpius replied

"I want whoever is coming to see me in my office in a bit, if you need to discuss whatever it is then knock and come in, if neither of you decide you want to see me, come in and tell me so"  Flitwick said, he then walked into his office leaving Rose and Scorpius alone in the outside area of Flitwicks office watching him walk into his study and closing the door. 

"Go Scorpius, I'll talk to Flitwick" Rose said, starting to walk towards the door, but Scorpius grabbed her hand

"No Rose, I am, you love being a prefect, go back to your dorm, you could still get about half an hours sleep if you go now, I can tell you're tired" Scorpius stated, pulling her back from the door

"Why do you care?"  Rose said "Why don't you go so I can talk to Professor Flitwick"

"I won't let you do that, you love the job too much, I know you have always wanted to become a prefect, I saw your face when Flitwick told us on the first day this year, so you go back to the Gryffindor common room and I will see you at breakfast or during lessons

"No Scorpius, I am not going to let you do this! Either I go and give my badge in or neither of us do!" Rose shouted, and then sighed realising what she had just said, and knowing what Scorpius was going to use her words to do

"Well, it's sorted then, neither of us are, come on, we need to apologise to Flitwick for wasting his time" Scorpius knocked on the door and lead Rose in after he was allowed "I am very sorry Professor, we have come to the decision that we don't need your help after all, we are sorry for wasting your time, see you in lesson" 

"Sorry Professor" Rose mumbled, staring at the floor and then turned and walked out of the room, Scorpius only one step behind her  "Why were you here, really? You didn't have to stop me giving my badge in" 

"I didn't want you to give it in, you don't deserve that, it's not your fault you go back to your common room almost crying every other night" Scorpius explained "And I like spending time with you when we wouldn't usually be able to" 

"Of course you do" Rose muttered, staring at the ground once more "Like you loved me at Christmas, right? Like you told me you hated Parkinson, it's like that isn't it? You like spending time with me just so you can lie to me, bring my hopes up, just to brake my heart."

"It's not like that Rose, I promise, it's not" Scorpius mumbled, putting his hands in his pockets

"I can't believe you any more, I can't trust whatever you say, because you are a very good liar, and I can't tell when you are telling the truth, if you even do that any more" Rose said "Goodbye" 

Rose walked out of the room and back to the Gryffindor common room. When she walked in she saw Albus stand up and run towards her, it was then she realised she hadn't told anyone where she was going or what she was doing.

"Merlin! Rose! Where did you go?" Albus asked, squeezing her so tight she could barely breathe "Aofie and Caia are looking for you!" 

"I went to see Professor Flitwick about my prefect duties, but it doesn't matter now, everything's sorted! Albus! Stop trying to kill me!" Rose laughed, trying to push him off of her

"It doesn't matter? I was so worried! I didn't know where you had gone! I thought something had happened to you!" Albus said, just as Caia and Aofie walked through the portrait door

"Can't find her any- Rose!" Caia said, she ran over to Rose and hugged her "Where did you go?" 

"I went to see Professor Flitwick" Rose said "But I need to go get my books from my trunk now, stay here, I'll be right back" Rose pushed her way through the crowd that was slowly forming in the common room and into her dormitory.

Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction) {COMPLETED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon