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Hey guys! So you probably haven't heard, I'm writing a new Scorose book- it's completely unrelated to this one though!

However, I need your help before I can publish it. I need a cover. Usually I would be totally up for making my own cover, but this time I want your help! If you're interested in creating a cover for me please message me! There will be some sort of prize/reward for all of your hard work!

I don't want to spoil much of the next book, so I am not going to put any rules up on here at all! As I said, if you are interested please message me and I will tell you what I am looking for.

HOWEVER, I can put the reward up here!

Of course, my favourite (or the first place) cover will become the cover of my new book as well as gaining a follow from me and me reading any books of yours that you wish me to!

Second and third place will also get a follow from me and a reading of any books of yours that you wish me to, as well as below:

But, ALL the other covers will be shown on a chapter of the book, if there is enough, each cover will get it's own chapter, and I will personally thank the creator at the beginning or end of the chapter!

The competition ends one week after I have finished writing the book, which probably isn't close yet- but I'm not uploading the book until I have written it! I'm going as quick as I can, because I'm so excited for you all to read it!

When I have finished the book, I will post the book's summary as well as notifying you all that the competition closes in a week.

Thank you everyone who enters, and good luck! I can't wait to see your covers! Thank you all!

-Elise x

Forbidden Love (A Scorose Fanfiction) {COMPLETED}जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें