Chapter 13

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The next day was the last day of term. Rose had decided to go home but not to tell her parents, especially her father, about her new boyfriend. It was lunch time and Rose, Scorpius, Albus, Ashlee, Jacob and Alec were keeping warm by the fire in the room of requirement. Ashlee had been hanging out with the others since the Christmas ball. It would only be fair seeing as she and Albus were officially boyfriend and girlfriend now. The new pair were sitting snuggled up on a beanbag right next to the fire whilst they listened to they others chat

"So" Rose said, looking at Jacob "what's the deal with you and Pip? You asked her out yet?"

"Rose, we've been through this loads! I'm not going to ask her out, we are only friends"

"Oh, come on, I can see you like her, I can see it in your eyes when you talk to her" she said laughing. Jacob laughed at this too, remembering their chat in at the table in the Christmas ball where he had said the same thing to Rose but about Scorpius

"And I can see it in her eyes, Pip's I mean" Rose continued "Come on, you both like each other, so ask her out already"

"No Rose, I told you, I'm not asking her out." Jacob said sternly. 

"Okay!! No need to get angry" Rose said trying to laugh it off, but Jacob only looked harsher towards her. Scorpius moved closer to Rose and put his arm round her and hugged her

"Chill man" he said "Rosie was only asking a question" but this didn't help. Jacob started getting red with anger. "Come on Rosie, lets go for a walk outside" he said grabbing the coats and pulling Rose up off the beanbag  she was sitting on. Scorpius helped her with her coat and then put his on. He then put his arm around her and lead her out the door and onto the snowy fields surrounding the school

"This is lovely Scorp" Rose whispered as she hugged him. "The scenery is beautiful, and peaceful, there's no snowball fights going on for once" 

"Flitwick banned them for the last day. But there are a few people walking around, look" Scorpius said as he pointed to the footprints in the snow that lead up to another couple walking around the black lake. "Let's go this way" he said as he turned around on the spot and lead Rose in the opposite direction. The two walked for a bit silently and peacefully and then suddenly Scorpius stopped

"What's the matter Scorp?" Rose said, concerned

"I haven't told Father about us yet, I mean, I know it's like it's not even been one day yet but I uh, I promised Father I would tell him as soon as I got a girlfriend, so he can approve of her but I, uh, I don't think.." Scorpius trailed off

"You don't think your Father would approve of me? Do you?" Rose asked

"Yes, that's right, I don't want to go by Father's rules about pure-blood marriage... I mean not that I'm thinking about that yet but I want to be with you, and I know he won't approve of that" Scorpius said, looking guilty

"It's okay Scorp, it doesn't matter, I love you, and I know you love me, and that is all that matters. But if you are worried, I don't think Dad would approve of us either, he told me himself" Rose explained

"He did?" Scorpius questioned

"Do you remember, a while ago, when I was telling you that Dad didn't want me to talk to you and then I trailed off because I said that the end bit didn't matter" Scorpius nodded before Rose continued "Well I was going to say, what Dad said, was 'Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pure-blood'and he was basically saying that he, uh, hates your blood, not that he is against pure-bloods, he just hates the fact that your father was stuck up and horrible, so he hates your family" Rose said and she started to cry "But I don't hate you Scorp I love you, but Dad is going to kill me when he finds out, he just doesn't want me to be with you. And.. And... And he's gunna kill me"

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