Chapter 6

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"Ro! Wake up! You're going to miss breakfast!" Caia yelled

"Cai?" Rose mumbled, sleepily

"Yes Ro, it's me! It's ten to nine, your gunna miss breakfast!" Caia said, pulling Rose into the bathroom

"Have a shower Ro, it will was you up. But be quick, or we'll all miss breakfast" Aofie said. Rose took a five minute shower and ran down to the Great Hall with her friends

"Is Al here?" Rose asked when they reached the bottom of the stairs 

"Yeah, he's over there" Caia said as she pointed to Rose's cousin

"Thanks Cai," Rose replied and pushed in between Albus and Justin "Hey Al, sorry Justin, but I need to speak to Al, urgently."

"It's okay Rose, did you sleep okay?" Justin asked

"Yeah, when I finally fell asleep." Rose rushed "Right, Al, I need to talk to you urgently at break, alone!"

"Oh, okay Rosie" Albus muttered

"Thanks, sorry, again, Justin, I'll go now" Rose got up and went to sit with Caia and Aofie

"What was that about Ro?" Aofie asked

"Oh, it doesn't matter Fi, just, uh, family business" Rose muttered

"Come on Ro, you can tell us anything, you know that!" Caia begged

"Maybe some other time, deffinitely not right now" Rose replied sharply

"Hey Ro, what's up? You're not normally like this" Caia persisted, concerned for one of her best friends

"It's nothing Cai, I'm sorry, I'm just really tired and I need to speak to Al" Rose replied "I'm sorry guys, I'm just not in the right mood right now"

After breakfast the trio walked up to transfiguration with Albus and Justin. Rose sat in her seat between Caia and Albus and turned to the front. When Professor McGonagall got the class started on the task Rose got up and went to talk to her class teacher and head of house

"Is everything okay Miss Weasley?" McGonagall asked 

"Well, everything in class is going fine, but I just wanted to ask something about being a prefect, Professor Flitwick said that if I have any questions I should ask him or my Head of House, you"

"Yes, that is correct, what is your question Miss Weasley? Hmm?" McGonagall replied

"Well, I was just wondering, that because we are up half the night patrolling, we loose some sleep, and I woke up very late this morning, I almost missed breakfast. I was wondering when is the best time to get some sleep? Because when I get back to the Common Room at the end of the day I have to do my Homework and I have to make sure that is perfect and then I have dinner and then before I know it I have to go to patrol. So when would be the best time to catch up on sleep? I don't want to be too tired so that I miss things in class"

"That is a very good question Miss Weasley, and honestly, I don't know. What time is your patrol shift?"

"Eight till two Professor" 

"Okay, well, I am not entirely sure when the best time would be, do you have any free periods?"

"Um... Well, I dropped divination so I have a double free period on Friday and I already have one on Wednesday but apart from that... No..."

"Okay, well I will have a talk with Professor Flitwick, will you be okay for today?"

"Oh, yes, I will be fine, I was just asking because I know that I will get more tired getting further into the year"

"Okay, get back to your class work now" McGonagall dismissed Rose and she went back to her desk.

At break time Caia and Aofie followed Rose out to meet Albus. Rose hadn't realised that they were behind her because they wanted to know what Rose needed to tell Albus.

"Hiya Rosie, hi Caia, Aofie" Albus said. When Rose heard her two friends names she spun around to find two guilty looking girls standing behind her

"Aofie! Caia! I told you guys not to come! I need to speak to Al ALONE!" she shouted angry that her friends followed her when she had purposely told them that they couldn't come

"I'm sorry Ro..." Caia mumbled apologetically "You just seemed in a really... weird mood, and we wanted to know what was up... Or what is up..."

"Please tell us Ro... you know you can trust us..."Aofie insisted

"Cai, Fi, I know I can trust you, and I told you, I will tell you, but in my own time, and I need to speak to Al first, I told you this earlier!" Rose explained "Guys... please... can you just leave us alone? Just while I tell Al, and I promise I will tell you later!" With that, Caia and Aofie walked off towards the castle and Albus turned to Rose

"Hey Rosie, what's up? I can see why the girls wanted to come with you, you do seem really... out of it"

"Oh Al!" Rose said, starting to cry "Dad's going to kill me!"

"Come on Rosie, why would Uncle Ron want to kill you? He has no reason t-" Albus started, but Rose cut him off

"Yes he does Al! He's gunna kill me! I can't go home this Christmas... He's gunna kill me!" Rose cried

"Rosie..It will be okay! Don't cry Rosie! Come on, lets walk, you can tell me what's up" Albus said, pulling Rose along toward the black lake

"Al I... I.." Rose muttered 

"It's okay Rosie, take your time, just TELL me!" Albus laughed

"Okay Al.. Okay, so you know I'm a prefect so I have to do patrol duties with another prefect. Well, I don't patrol with Justin, Flitwick mixed us all up and I'm with, uh... Malfoy"

"No!" Albus gasped "Rose, just because you talked to him doesn't mean that your Dad's going to kill you, you have too, it's your job because your on patrol"

"No Al, it's not that, but Dad did ask me not to talk to him on our first day, remember?" Rose asked, Al looked confused but nodded anyway "Okay well, last night was our first night on patrol and Sco- I mean Malfoy turned up early and kept going on that he is a gentleman and just being a Malfoy, a narcissistic prat. And then I was telling him that he better not be like Mum and Dad told us about how Draco told us about being a prefect and Scor- Malfoy was saying that he didn't know what his father was like so I explained to him. Then he started calling me Rose! Not Weasley or Weaslette or Weasel! And I was really surprised and he started being really nice to me! And then we ran into Parkinson and she was being really mean to me and then Scorpius stuck up for me! I couldn't believe it! And then he walked me back to the common room!"

"Why is this going to make Uncle Ron kill you?" Albus asked, even more confused

"I'm getting to that bit" Rose replied "Okay, so I was laying in bed last night and I couldn't get to sleep so I was thinking about what had happened that night and everything that had happened and why Scor-"

"Why do you keep calling him Scorpius? You ALWAYS call him Malfoy!"

"I know, I just, well he was being really nice to me so I thought I should be nice to him, because the only reason that I was being mean to him because he was to me, if he is being nice to me then I have no reason to be mean to him, okay?"

"Okay, carry on"

"Yeah, so I was thinking about Scorpius and I realised, well I think.. I... I..."

"You what Rosie?" Albus asked, concerned for his cousin

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