Chapter 28

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Soon it was Christmas eve and Rose had begged and begged her parents for Scorpius to come round for the evening. The Malfoys had agreed quickly for Scorpius to go round but it ended up that Rose, Hugo, Ron and Hermione were spending Christmas eve with Scorpius, Narcissa, Draco and Astoria at the Malfoy Manor. Rose and Scorpius sat cuddled up on one of the huge black and white bean bags opposite the huge TV. Hermione and Ron sat either side of Hugo in the corner of the long white sofa saying nothing but staring at the Malfoys sitting opposite them. Draco and Astoria were sitting comfortably in the corner of the opposite large white sofa and they were staring back at the Weasleys. Narcissa sat on the same sofa as her son and daughter-in-law but in the opposite corner and she was staring at the corner of the room laughing to herself about something nobody else in the room could tell. The only sound in the room came from the TV, the occasional laughter from Narcissa and the practically silent muttering from Rose and Scorpius talking to themselves

"This is really awkward" Rose muttered, so nobody other that Scorpius could hear her

"I know, we need to do something to break the silence, get our families to actually talk!" 

"Yeah, but what?" Rose looked around her for some inspiration

"What's on TV?" Scorpius asked, looking up and speaking loudly so everyone could here him

"I don't know" Astoria replied, not taking her eyes off the family opposite her

"Then why don't you look, Mother?" Scorpius replied, almost sarcastically

"I have only just got used to this stupid muggle toy! Why don't you look?" Astoria raised her voice slightly

"I cant reach the controls" Scorpius said, slightly mocking his mother in a way but with a cheeky grin on his face

"Scorpius you are 15, you can easily get up and get the controls for yourself, stop being so lazy" Draco uttered, also not taking his glance off of the Weasleys.

"But I am very comfortable here, Father, if I get up then I bet I wont be able to be as comfortable as I am now again, and you know how hard it is to get comfy in these stupid things!" Scorpius laughed to himself, still with the grin spread across his face. There was a quick utter from Hermione and Ron and then Hermione leant over to the table in front and picked the controls up

"Here" she murmured and then quickly went back to staring at Draco

"This is stupid!" Rose said, finally giving in "Why can't you guys just talk? I know that Mr Malfoy wasn't so nice when you were at school, but that was ages ago, loads of things have changed since then! Please! Just talk?" Rose switched looks from her parent to the Malfoys and back again

"Were's the toilet?" Hugo asked, desperately trying to get out of the room

"I'll show you dear" Narcissa said, she got up off the sofa and Hugo followed her out the room

"Please? Mum?" Rose begged, looking with a pleading look in her eyes at her mother

"Um, uh, how, how are you?" Hermione muttered

"Good thank you Granger" Draco murmured 

"It's Weasley, but um, please call me Hermione" Hermione muttered back

"Oh, okay Hermione, how, how are you?" 

"Good thank you" Hermione looked at the floor like it was their first meeting at Hogwarts and she didn't know anyone all over again

"This is stupid!" Rose exclaimed "Is it really this hard to have a simple conversation? Can't you just talk?" 

"You don't know what we have been through Rose!" Hermione exclaimed "I know it sounds stupid but no, we can't have a simple conversation without threatening to hex each other or actually doing so!" 

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