chapter 5

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At half past one in the morning, Rose and Scorpius turned a corner and realised they were back where they started.

"Merlin Rose, what time is it?" Scorpius asked

Rose was shocked at his use of her first name, "You called me Rose! You never call me Rose! We have been at the same school for four years and you have never called me Rose! It has been Weasley or Weaslette since the beginning!"

"And?" Scorpius asked "What's wrong with that?"

"It's... Nothing...Just...Oh, I don't know but... You have just never called me Rose and it was just a bit of a shock that's all... And by the way, it's half one"

"Okay, thanks and I just thought it was kind of mean, and I was thinking about what you told me about Father when he was a prefect and I don't want to be that, so I am trying to be as much as possible. I don't want to be like that at all. So, I am starting with you, Rose"

"Okay then, Scorpius. That is a good thing, I'm not complaining" Rose muttered

Just then they ran into Petunia and Toby. Petunia's black bob was clipped back out of her face so you could see her delight when she ran into Scorpius.

"Oh, hello Scorpy" she said with a high squeaky voice "I-we were looking for you, it's our turn now, to patrol, and I was wondering if you would like to come round with us"

Rose could see the horror on Scorpius' face, he evidently only realised that Rose was right about Petunia not being able to hide her crush on him. "Uh no, Petunia, I am way too tired, you'll understand in the morning, I need sleep, good night Parkinson"

"Parkinson?" Petunia squeaked "since when have you called me Parkinson? I am one of your best friends Scorpy! You don't have to call me by my surname, it's that thing you should be doing that too" Petunia pointed at Rose when she said that

"Don't call her 'that thing' she isn't like that. Goodbye, PARKINSON" Scorpius walked away following Rose up the steps to the Gryffindor common room and then she turned around

"You didn't have to stick up for me then Scorpius, you are supposed to hate me, I haven't even told Dad about patrolling with you and I already know he is going to be furious because that means talking to you" Rose laughed "Exactly what Dad told me not to do on my first day"

"He told you not to talk to me?" Scorpius said, offended 

"Oh, I don't mean it like that, I actually quite wanted to talk to you. But I didn't dare. If Dad found out... Well, lets just say that when my Dad gets angry there is no stopping him, and nobody likes my Dad angry, I would do anything to not make him angry. So that's why I didn't talk to you whenever I could"

"What exactly were his words Rose?" Scorpius asked, fairly upset

"He said 'So that's little Scorpius, make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank God you inherited your mother's brains' and then Mum said 'Ron, for heave's sake, don't try to turn them against each other before they've even started school!' and then Dad said 'You're right, sorry, don't get too friendly with him, though, Rosie. Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you'... oh, that bit doesn't matter"

"what did your dad say?"

"I told you, it doesn't matter"

"oh, tell me! please Rose!"

"no, goodnight Scorpius, see you during lessons or on Wednesday" Rose walked into her common room and went to bed. She was insanely tired but she couldn't get to sleep 'why was he being so nice to me?' Rose thought to herself when she was laying in her bed 'He is supposed to hate me, so he shouldn't be nice to me. But he was so sweet, sticking up to me like that when Petunia said that, he didn't have to do that. I didn't expect him to do that! He is actually so nice. If what Mum and Dad say is true about Draco then Scorpius is not at all like his Father. What is happening to me I don't... No, I cant... Dad would be furious... No... I don't...'

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