Chapter 31

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Rose walked slowly towards the front of the train, she should be there anyway she had just wanted to speak to Albus and Ashlee, even though that didn't happen. Rose opened the door to the prefect carriage and sat down next to Heather, her God-sister. She stared and the ground after glancing at the book Heather was reading. She wondered when Scorpius was going to join her, seeing as he was a prefect too. 

"Oh, hello Rose!" Heather exclaimed, putting her book down next to her "I didn't see you there!" 

"It's okay" Rose mumbled, not looking up

"How are you?" Heather asked, excited, as usual. Her long brown hair pulled round the side of her head, falling down her front over her shoulder. 

"Alright" Rose looked up, but didn't meet her eyes "You?"

"I'm good thank you! Did you have a nice Christmas! Oh, and thank Molly for the jumper, and your parents for the book, it's very interesting, I was reading it just now" Heather exclaimed, holding it up to show her.

"Yes, Mum and Dad gave me the same book, it is good isn't it. I've already finished it" Rose sighed.

"Of course you have, how long did it take you this time?" Heather asked, bending down slightly so Rose was forced to look into her eyes

"A day" Rose forced a smile to her lips, trying to fool Heather into thinking she was happy

"What's the matter Rose?" 

"Nothing, nothing" Rose shook her head, managing a fake laugh.

"Yes there is, I can see through your disguise" Heather shook her head "But if you don't want to tell me I can't help you, but that is up to you" Heather shook her head again and picked up the book again to read. 

Just then, Scorpius burst through the door. Rose looked up and him a sighed and looked down at the floor. Scorpius sighed and sat down next to Petunia, who had the daily prophet in font of her head. 

"Hello Scorpy" she said, putting the newspaper down but not looking at him. She had a evil smile across her face and she looked over to Rose

Rose stood up and went to the teachers carriage. She knocked on the door and McGonagall opened it

"Can I help you dear?" She asked

"I was wondering if you want me to patrol down the train" She looked up hopefully

"That would be very good, you can get someone to go with you if you want" she replied

"No I'll be alright"

Rose walked out of the carriage and down the train, making sure everybody was seated in a compartment

"Sit down please" she almost whispered as she passed a compartment with an open door and first years standing up and messing around. 

She carried on walking down the train. Not paying any attention to who was standing up or who was doing anything. 

"Rosie?" Rose turned around to see Caia standing behind her, Aofie right behind her.

"Cai... Fi..." Rose whispered

"Are you? Are you all right?" Caia asked

"Yeah, I'm okay" Rose whispered, staring at the ground

"No you're not" Aofie said, stepping forward "What's up?"

"N-" Rose started, but she was interrupted by someone calling her from behind. She turned around to see Scorpius running down the carriages after her.

"Rose!" he panted as he reached her

"Hello Scorp" Rose sighed

"Malfoy" Caia and Aofie said in unison. 

"Hello" Scorpius nodded to Caia and Aofie and then turned back to Rose "Rose are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just needed some time by myself to think" Rose forced a smile. Scorpius looked over at Caia and Aofie, sort of asking them to go without talking, but they didn't move

"What's the matter Ro?" Scorpius asked, stepping forward. 

"Nothing" Rose sighed

"I can see that there is" Scorpius said. He cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him "tell me"

"I don't think she wants to tell you Malfoy" Caia said through gritted teeth 

"Just go Malfoy" Aofie said. Scorpius sighed and turned around. Rose looked up and saw Petunia was standing at one of the compartment doors, trying to hide. She had a bin grin stretched across her face and she watched Rose's face as Scorpius slowly walked away from her.

"Come on Scorpy" Petunia said, linking her arm with Scorpius' and walking back to the prefects' carriage.

Caia sighed and watch them walk into the next carriage. "Idiot" she whispered under her breathe

"So what's the matter?" Aofie asked

"Nothing, I'll go now, see you later" Rose tried to turn but Caia stopped her

"Tell us Ro" Caia said, gripping her arm to stop her walking away

"Oh, thanks for the presents by the way guys, when I was in hospital" Rose tried to change the subject

"It's not going to work" Caia said

"What?" Rose replied

"Changing the subject"

"I'm not-"

"We have been friends long enough for us to know when you are trying to change the subject" Aofie said, almost sternly

"I don't want to talk about it okay?" Rose said, tears welling in her eyes "I'm going to go now, goodbye" 

Rose turned and pulled her arm out of Caia's grip and walked away

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