chapter 3

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After the feast Rose and Justin lead the Gryffindors to the common room. Rose gasped. "I don't know the password Justin!"she exclaimed

"Don't panic!" he replied "It was on a piece of parchment attached to my badge. The password this term is Hippogriff."

"Oh! Thank you Justin! I didn't know it! Thanks!" Rose laughed at her stupidity. 

When they got to the Gryffindor common room they stopped and waited for everyone to gather round. "Password?" the Fat Lady portrait and common room door asked.

"This terms password it Hippogriff" Justin said to everybody. The portrait door swung open and Justin lead them inside. Rose waited by the door to make sure everybody heard the password and she followed the group in. She pushed her way through the crowd to find her friends standing by the girls' dormitory door. Caia Jordan, Craig Jordan's little sister, was the first to spot Rose looking for them

"Over here Ro!" she shouted trying to get Rose's attention. Rose ran over to her little group of friends: Caia Jordan, a dark-skinned black-haired and tall girl and  Aofie Finnigan, a short mousy-haired girl. The three walked into the girls dormitory and perched on the end of Rose's bed, as it was the closest to the door. 

"So Ro," Caia started " why did Professor Flitwick want to see you?"

"Oh, I forgot to say, sorry! I'm a prefect now!" Rose exclaimed

"Wow Ro! You're so lucky! But we knew you would get it! You're so good at everything!" Caia exclaimed

"Thanks Cai, but I'm really not!" Rose said back

"Yes you are, come on now, lets go back up to the common room now, McGonagall is probably up there with our timetables" Caia replied.

 The three went back up to the common room to find they were just in time to get their timetables. When Rose went up to get hers McGonagall said to her "Professor Flitwick wants to see you and Justin. Wait here with him until I have finished giving these out and I will take you to him myself"

"Okay Professor" Rose replied as she stood next to Justin.

Ten minutes later the two were in the headmasters office along with the six other new prefects.

"Good evening everybody. I brought you here to tell you about what your duties will be as prefects. Several of you may already know what you have to do but I am just going to clear it all up with you. Firstly, you are on patrol duty. What you wont know is that since the Battle of Hogwarts we have mixed up the pairs that go round on patrol so you wont be with your house partners. I have chosen your partners. They are: Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy; Petunia Parkinson and Toby MacMillan; Heather Longbottom and Lysander Scammander; Rebecca Boot and Justin Thomas. Rose and Scorpius group one, Petunia and Toby group two, Heather and Lysander group three and Rebecca and Justin group four." 

"Professor" Petunia moaned "would it not be easier to go around with the person from our house" Petunia was madly in love with Scorpius and she wasn't good at hiding her crush "It would be easier because we already know them as this is our fifth year with them being in the same class, mostly, as us. So why don't we go around with them?"

"Petunia, yes?" Flitwick asked 

"Yes Professor" Petunia replied, confirming her name

"I am doing this on purpose because of what you said. Before the Battle of Hogwarts the houses in Hogwarts were in a very harsh house rivalry. Particularly with Slytherin and Gryffindor. But since the Battle of Hogwarts the rivalry has ended, and I want the houses to bond so there is never a rivalry again. I have purposely put all of you with someone form another house so we can start that bond. It had been twenty-three years since the Battle of Hogwarts so the rivalry should be well over. Well, it should never have started in the first place. So this is why you are not with your house partner. Understand Miss Parkinson?" Flitwick explained

 "Yes Professor" Petunia replied as calmly as possible. This was hard for her because she was very angry. She had never been good at hiding her emotions, as the other people in the room apart from Flitwick, and especially Scorpius, knew. 

"Okay, now that is cleared I shall tell you the days you will be patrolling. I will say group number and then when and where. One are patrolling Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday on the first floor of the castle, one will be patrolling from eight until two. Two are patrolling Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday on the first floor of the caster, two will be patrolling from two until eight. Three are patrolling Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday on the second floor of the castle, three with be patrolling from eight until two. Four are patrolling Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday on the second floor of the castle, four will be patrolling from two until eight. Is everyone okay with that?" Flitwick explained, when nobody replied he carried on. "You are allowed to deduct points from younger years and give out detentions but if you give out the detentions you will have to hold them or sort them out yourselves, you are prefects so don't expect teachers to do everything for you, but they can help you if you ask. You are allowed to use the prefects' bathroom and the password this year is 'gubble-plank' is there any questions?"

"Yes Professor" Scorpius piped up "Is there any way possible we can change our patrolling partners?"

"No Mr Malfoy, not unless you or your partner give up your jobs of being prefect, and I doubt that will happen, or you have the privilege taken away from you, and I should hope that that wont happen. Is that okay?"

"I guess so Professor, and also, where do we meet our partners when we go patrolling with them?"

"As a gentleman, you would go and collect the lady but if you really don't want to do that then you will arrange a place to meet with your partner"

"Okay Professor"

"Has anyone else got any questions?" Flitwick questioned. Nobody answered. "Okay then, if you have any questions you can  come and find me or ask your head of year. You may go, patrolling and duties start tomorrow." with that, everyone left. 

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