I'm sorry for being a disappointment. I'm sorry that I could never be the father you deserved. I'm so sorry that it took me so long to tell you how much I love you. I can never make amends for what I've done through your whole life but in the final moments of life I just want you to know that despite everything I've done to make you hate me, I do love you and I'm proud of the person you've become even after all the damage I've caused.

There isn't anything in this world that I could give you that would compensate for all the horrible things that came out of my mouth but I'm leaving you this picture. I've carried this picture throughout my life. Even though I resented you I couldn't get rid of this picture. It gave me some kind of peace. I've had this picture for very long time and now I want you to have it. Something to remember me by.

At the end I've nothing else to say but I'm extremely sorry.


I folded the letter and kept it aside. I brushed the stray tears and flipped the picture frame to see the picture. It was picture him with me at our last happy vacation as a family. We both looked so happy and content. It is the last happy memories I'd with my father before everything went downhill.

I heard noises from the living. I took the frame and made my way out. I saw my daughter playing with my husband. A sight I'm never tired of seeing. It warms my heart to see them so happy together. Looking at them I wished I had one last chance to tell Dad how much I loved him inspite of everything.

Ahima looked at me and came running towards me. I bend down and picked her up, keeping her close to me.

"I'm mad at Dad. Very angry" she frowned and looked at Rishabh furiously.

"I'm really sorry sweetheart" Rishabh said trying his best to hide his smile.

"What did your dad do this time?" I asked

"Took my ice cream while I was eating to tease me. I don't like it. Hate it"

"Hey. Hey. Don't say hate"

"Sorry Mama" she looked at the photo frame and it took it from my hand "Is it you?" She asked looking at picture. I looked at the picture again and nodded "You're so small and Grandpa looks so young" she said smiling from eye to eye.

I smiled at her and said "Yeah, it was when I was a baby like you and Grandpa took us on a vacation. It was a happy time"

"Do you miss Grandpa?"

I looked at her. She was still looking at the picture so dearly like she found some treasure "Yes sweetie, I miss him" I said softly and Rishabh looked at me giving me a small smile.

"I miss him too. Grandpa said you were mad at him. Are you still mad Mama?"

"No, he is my dad and I love him very much. You can't stay mad at people you love"

She ran to Rishabh and gave him a quick kiss "I'm not mad at you anymore Dad." Rishabh laughed and kissed her back "Can I keep this picture in my room? I like it. It reminds of Grandpa"

No matter how terrible father he was to me, he was an amazing grandfather to my daughter. In some ways he was trying to compensate all those years he lost with me. He loved her dearly and my daughter loved him too. Sometimes I used to envy Ahima for having the opportunity of making memories with my dad which I never had.

"Yes of course" Rishabh replied.

He put her down and she smiled. She tucked the frame beside her little arms and took her ice cream bowl to the kitchen.

Rishabh wrapped his arms around me and rested my head on his shoulder. It was my safest place. Even after all this years, he still loves me just the same way he did in the beginning. If anything I think he loves me even more now.

He looked at Ahima and said "Thank for that. It's more than I could ever ask for."

After keeping her bowl she ran towards her room. Midway the stairs she stopped and looked at us "I love you both"

"We love you too baby"

Even though my life had it's fair share of ups and downs there isn't anything I would like to change. I'm thankful to the day I met Rishabh because that's the day it all changed for me. I'm so grateful that we happened. Sometimes it's scary to think how my life would've been if he wasn't in it but then I look at him and I know I don't have to think about that anymore.

"You still love me, don't you?" Rishabh asked

"I don't know. I guess"

He laughed and that sounds was enough for me to thankful for the amazing life we've together. I'm really glad we found each other and it made it happen.


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