chapter twenty five-part two

Start from the beginning

“You too are from the same bloodline.”

“Yes but it is my father’s blood that runs in my veins...”

And from heavens knows where Alex received a punch from Preston who looked really pissed with just about anything.

Alex staggered back a bit from the unexpected blow but then almost immediately recovered. Yet he did not retaliate as expected. Instead he just placed his hand on his left eye rubbing it gently.

Preston however had other thoughts. “Listen to me carefully father is the acting alpha of this pack but hell I know that I that I will convince him to throw you back to the pack you ran from okay...are we clear?” his glare turned hotter. Hell, it would have burned down a house by now. “She is my mate...Mine” he actually growled and I felt loved in a strange new way that I had not experienced before. Nobody had ever called me his with such conviction...with such raw emotion passing through his voice as he spoke. Out of nowhere I found my lips curving into a smile...small but ever perfect smile.

 “And I’m going to do everything I can to protect her from people who are a danger to her...and right now you are the best definition of danger to her in this unless you want to be dinner for the hungry hyenas in the forest you will leave this ground immediately..”

Alexander being stubborn stood there studying Preston then after a second he stated in a voice which led me to believe that he believed what he said. “You love her, don’t you?”

That stopped my heart from beating.

Preston hesitated in answering and a part of me hoped he would agree with Alex’s agree that he loved me in front of someone.

To me that would be perfect I thought.

“She is my mate...”he said and little did he know how much disappointment crawled in me at that moment.

Alex smiled for the first time. “Yeah I know...I’m not so blind but then even though fate plans our mate for us we have the choice of rejecting them or just not loving them. You chose the other pass...good for you.” He then turned to me. “You may not trust me now cousin but one day you will. I’m on your side.”

“And suddenly you’re not overprotective of me?”

“You have your mate to do that for you.” He said smiling and turned around leaving the two of us standing there.

‘I swear to god I don’t understand how his mind works at all.” I said to know one but myself. Maybe Toni comprehended him...being his mate and all.

“He just reminds me of my brother half of the time.” Preston said heading to open the car door for me....


I felt guilty for not having told Preston everything but one cannot blame me for letting a bit of fear of losing this guy I loved...i mean...




I stopped on the way to my room.

I froze and if ti was not for the extra hearing I swear I could have felt that the world stpped moving with me.

It was almost like we simultaneously froze.

 Loved him...

I sat down...I mean that realization was just like an earthquake to me...only its focus was the core of my body and not the centre of the earth.

I did not notice that I was smiling until a few seconds later.

Yeah I guess I was right...I did love him.

In some weird kind of me love...I did.

And a whole new chapter opened up for was this love that was making me have so much fear to tell him the truth in the first place.

Because I did not want to be rejected by one I loved. Well if there was another explanation somebody please holler.

But as far as I was concerned, that boy who had just dropped me in the front door about five minutes ago and kissed me like tomorrow was never going to make it...I loved that boy. And the bond we had was just special I believed.

Preston huntsman

His name crossed my mind as I continued smiling like a crazy girl who had just learned she had a magical wishing egg in the house which also reminded me that he was still outside waiting for me to go wave goodbye to him through the window. With that thought in mind I quickly made my way up. The sun was almost setting and it brought a whole new level of beautiful shade to the sky.

I found him leaning against the hood of his car waiting for me to appear.

As soon as he spotted me he lip-synched. “What took you so long?”

I shook my head. “Nothing” I lied. Well for once what I had just realized was not anything. It was something big and now...

“Drive safe...” I said to him waving at the same time. He smiled nodded and entered his car driving with his usual high speed.

I moved back to my room and tried to figure out how almost two months ago I was just a new girl in this town who had sworn to hate all werewolves for life. A girl who had never thought of ever being mates with a werewolf whom she had really thought was just another man whore finding an easy human lay a girl who had believed the latter so much that she had made a bet stating that she would not fall for him.

Little did I know... maybe that’s when this love fellow crept up on me and snuck right in my totally clueless heart.

Sneaky bastard

 A girl who used to get into major trouble with people holding power and still does...

Nevertheless I was still the same Abby Houston from day one with just a bit of different one point or another. I still got in trouble, got into a few fights, loved her dad with a force to be reckoned but the major thing was that this girl was in love and there was no other way to put it.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the knock on my bed room door. “Abby?” dad called me.

“Coming dad” I ran to open the door for and well I wish I had not for the look on his face was not good at all and it was a look I was dreading forever.

It was the exact look he had when my mother’s father had confronted him years ago before ordering the death of his daughter, my mother.


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