chapter thirty three: And he reeks of death

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Chapter thirty three

And he reeks of death...

Well Preston’s assumption turned out to be wrong. Nothing happened to me in the next two weeks. No pain, no stabbing, nothing. Which to me felt good cause I was not about to relive those painful few minutes. They ought to remain just that-a bad memory.

And things altered. I would not say for the better or worse because everything changed.

The search for the old man was all but a dead end. He had vanished into thin air and not even his rogues were in sight.

From the beginning there had been no love lost between Preston and Alexander but after everything. Well to keep it short, they did not talk, only when necessary did they communicate and even in the case that happened it were a few short clear sentences.

And that boom impeded my friendship with Toni. It’s not like she hated me or I hated her but...okay so it was sort of complicated. Toni spent most of her time with her mate. After I came out of the hospital and back to school she tried spending time with me but with all the issues around it was hard. So we sort of drifted apart. We were still friends but our friendship was more of like a hi-hi-how-are-you-I’m-good kind of friendship.

I was an understanding person when I chose to be and so this did not disturb me as much.

What did disturb me was Britney’s attitude. She was still queen all high and mighty but with me she was a controlled person. It was weird seeing her behave the way she did. She even smiled at me when I came in school the first day. If I hadn’t known better I would have said she was playing one of her games.

As I thought of this I walked to where Ivan was standing with Preston. They stopped talking when they saw me. It was still weird thinking that Nate was not around.

“Hey angel” Preston said pulling me into a tight hug.

“Hi” I said and addressed Ivan. I was curious. “Ivan.”

“Yes curious Abby.”

Well I guessed he knew me well enough to know my expression. “Brittney’s been acting weird. What’s up?”

The two of them smiled. Preston spoke up first “it would seem to me that you liked the feud you had with her.”

“She started it and then all of a sudden she’s being all smiley and no mean words to me. Something must be wrong.” I said in a sweet voice. I looked at them for answers and Ivan was the one who gave me the best reply and answer to my question.

“I can’t have my mate being rude or in any kind of feud with my alpha’s girl.”

So he finally accepted her?

He nodded. Apparently I had spoken that thought out loud. “We are just keeping it on the down low.”

A young boy in a lower class level than the three of us came over; he almost looked like he was shaking to be here. Preston being alpha and all was well intimidating even to humans. He looked at us, “Preston, you’ve been called to the principal’s office.”There was something in his voice that made none of us question what was going on but whatever it was...

Preston smiled at me and then walked away following the boy to the office. I remained with Ivan for the next few minutes and then headed on to class.

The rest of the day continued and I did not see Preston but Ivan kept a close eye on me. And though I had argued with Preston over this I also spotted two other people guarding me. They were not students. They were pack members that he had assigned to protect me at all times. I did not like that at all.

I'm your bloody friggin' mate? You got to be joking...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя