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Niall's POV

The boys and I were all walking around the body streets of New York. We were going to be performing at Madison Square Garden tomorrow, but we had a day off and we were all taking advantage of a day to explore where we were while we had the chance.

So much had changed over the past three years. Our first single shot us right up to number one on the charts days after we let it out. Next came a number one album along with many little EP albums here and there. We had just recently let out our second album and we're going on our second world tour with it. Things only kept going faster and faster. It felt like the day those airplane wheels touched own on American soil, our lives were constantly going at a pace of nonstop.

That helped me deal with the worst broken heart in all of history. I wrote a lot of songs with Calum because he was the most in tune with feelings. I cried nearly every writing session, but it got us some pretty sick music. All the boys had been there for me in different ways. Ashton would baby the hell out of me and buy me things that would make me smile even just for a minute. Calum would get those feelings out of me in a healthy way. Michael was the one that distracted me by taking me out of go do fun things. Luke was the one that was there with me through everything and anything. You could even say we tried to have some type of relationship at one point, but he was no Zayn Malik. No one is which is why we remained close friends that would cuddle when we felt lonely and hit each other when we were angry. Honestly, that's how all of us were. It was like having four brothers to replace the shit one I actually got.

My dad had been to nearly all the concerts we've had. My mum came to one or two, but other than that no one really cared. They thought I had changed because of the band. Really I changed because of a broken heart. I became closed off and scared to ever fall for anyone. That changes people in ways that's more than just dating. My dad thought I made a mistake by not giving that relationship a chance. I think the same thing every time I see Zayn's name come up in the media's conversation about how much he's inspired everyone.

"No way..." Luke said under his breath, stopping right where he was walking, making Ashton stumble into the six foot tall man-child. That's what he is and no one can tell me any different. I followed his gaze up to a huge marquee that was lit up so bright I'm sure the whole world saw it. It was over Radio City Music Hall. It took me a minute to soak in what I was reading before I was literally running to the ticket booth because the show was about to start and I needed to be there. My security guard yelled at me not to run off, which made the others follow me and have their security guards scream at them the same thing.

"We'd like five tickets for the International Symphony Orchestra show tonight." I told the girl in the booth. She screamed when she realized who we were. That ended with us all taking pictures with her and getting tickets right in the center of the house.

"The show is probably opening now, but you all could slid in." She said. We got taken to our seats after some people were moved a few seats over to make room for us. We looked like trash compared to the people here. We were all wearing t-shirts and ripped jeans while everyone else here was in dresses and suits. I don't care tough. I looked down at my ticket to see that it said it was the International Symphony Orchestra featuring pianist Zayn Malik. I looked back up and noticed the whole place was full except for on single chair in the front row.

The lights dimmed and my heart stopped. It was just a tiny note played on the piano, but I knew that no single note could hold as much passion as that one did if it weren't played by a certain Bradford boy. The song begin and the rest of the orchestra came in strongly. I had chills as the whole orchestra pit was being raised slowly and the music was slowly building. Calum reached over to squeeze my shaking hand as the only reason I'm sitting here came into my view.

My heart stopped. His fingers moved so gracefully over the keys. His shoulders looked broader than they were three years ago. His hair was a different style now. It looked very sophisticated. As the music built, I watched him lean into the piano more and more, pouring everything into I just like I always remembered. Suddenly, the other instruments stopped and Zayn was left playing the piano alone. It was a strange sound, almost incomplete yet whole at the same time. Not quite empty, just lacking suddenly.

"Zayn composed this." Luke leaned over and whispered to me. I looked down at the program he was showing me then I looked up in even more shock. The music begin to build again, before it just stopped and left silence in its path. I gasped at how unique this was and how much it tugged me more into knowing what these past three years have been like for Zayn. It's been lonely, distracting, and full of silence from the lack of words. I shivered when he pressed that single note once again in the thick silence. He pressed it once more before the whole audience begin to clap. I stood up and clapped with everyone else before I was sitting down listening to the next song.

Zayn glanced out to the audience while he wasn't playing this part in the song, but it was like out eyes were purposely drawn to each other. He stood up immediately and looked at me even closer. I stood up to as the music built around us, pulling us closer. Before either of us knew it, Zayn was jumping off the stage and I was running to him.

Our bodies collided and I was being picked up in Zayn's arms. He left so different yet so the same. We held each other for the longest time. I finally felt like the other half of my body was attached to me again. We pulled back and looked at each other, searching for any changes in the others face, but not detecting any. Even that burning love was still there. Our lips collided as the music behind up blared loudly and everyone was cheering. There wasn't anything I could say right now. The music was speaking for us both. The power of music in our lives had once again spoken for us when words failed.

A/N: now it's officially over! Thank you all for reading! Please listen to the song! It was another song that really inspired me! Thanks for you thank thank you!

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-Bri ;)

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