Chapter 11

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Niall's POV

I found myself surrounded by a bunch of my friends that were all in a fraternity after class. They were trying to recruit me, but I didn't even consider joining because I knew it would mean I would leave Zayn alone in our dorm. I wasn't going to do that to him, but as much as these guys knew, I was straight and just didn't want to be apart of some party house for the next four years. However, I did make it a point in my reasons from not joining to say I wouldn't mind going to their parties. That seemed to change the conversation completely.

"You've never been to a party and you've been here for three months now? That's ridiculous." One of my friends, Luke was his name, said to me. He was from Australia, along with a few other guys he was friends with. One actually roomed with Liam. I just laughed and nodded to respond to him. His other friends looked at each other before Luke nodded to me like he thought of a great idea.

"Come to the party tonight. It's Friday night and there's nothing to worry about if you get drunk or end up getting with someone. It's going to be a pretty big party with all the brothers, but we're all inviting people to come along. You can bring someone if you want." Luke offered. Immediately my mind went back to the first time I met Zayn and told him we would go to parties together. We haven't done that and I wouldn't mind seeing him experience the first time going to a big frat party. I've never been to one either, but the high school ones I went to were pretty crazy. Plus, I wanted to bring him with me to help me from making bad decisions. He's the protective, reasonable one between the bother of us. He did make the best decision in going in to kiss me and so far, that's been wonderful.

It's only been two days since our first kiss, his very first kiss, and things have just been slowly heading up. Just this morning him letting his heart and body take over showed me just how wonderful he really is. His lips still hold a great amount of inexperience, but I can feel things through kissing him that I've never felt with anyone. It's more magical and more meaningful than I expected it to be. It also gets my heart beating faster than anyone even knows. His lips are all I can think of when I'm not with him or even near him. He messed me up with one kiss, yet I want to see what he can do to me more.

"Well I'll probably bring my roommate with me. He's a cool guy. Zayn Malik is his name. I don't know if you've heard of him." I said. Immediately all of them nodded enthusiastically and started mumbling questions about his appearance to make sure they got the right guy. They did and I could see how excited my one friend, Michael, was about this.

"If you're bringing him then you better make sure he knows that every male and female in the room will be throwing themselves at him. Literally, since the first day of school he's all anyone has talked about. Everyone wants to get with him or date him or just get him to talk a little. Liam is always talking about him and how sweet of a guy he is. He always says he's very attractive. Then again, everyone thinks that." Michael said with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. I smiled a tight lipped smile, but didn't feel any ounce of happiness that my best friend was saying things about Zayn to other people. It made me feel a little worried that Zayn might feel something for Liam. I bit my lip at the thought because I knew it couldn't be true.

"He is attractive. I'll see you guys tonight." I said before I walked away. They all said bye to me, but I just had to keep myself calm enough so I wouldn't start crying thinking that I had no chance with a guy I really liked that I felt he liked me. He did speak to me after all. I just hoped it would all work out the way that I wanted it to. Meaning, I wanted him to like me as much as I liked him. I knew that was probably not possible for anyone to like me that much, but at least he could have some feelings for me.

I found myself walking back to my dorm room because I had already went to the one class I had today. As I walked through campus I was greeted by the many people I was friends with. Most of them asked me if I was going to the party tonight so I figured it was going to be a big thing to go to. I was just glad I would get to walk in that house with Zayn. That is, if he really wants to go. When I got to the door of my room I heard the piano being played, but it didn't have the same magic to it that I was used to hearing. It was really good, but it wasn't how Zayn played. I walked in and immediately looked over to see that Liam was sitting on the piano bench with Zayn next to him. Zayn had a hand on Liam's thigh and that was the only thing my one track mind could register. Not the way Zayn was patting the rhythm of the music but that his hand was touching someone else. Liam messed up, letting out a frustrated groan. He looked at me and gave me a small smile before he looked back to the music. Zayn, on the other hand, he just continued to look at me link I had won an award or something. I knew that he was just trying to tell me hi without saying it, but to me it comforted the past feelings I had been having towards the scene that I walked into.

"Zayn, isn't this a flat? Why is it always coming out dissonant?" Liam asked Zayn. That got Zayn's attention off me and back in the music. Zayn wrote something and Liam nodded like he understood before he started to play that part again. I went and sat on the foot of Zayn's bed to watch how Liam was doing. He got to that part again and messed up, so Zayn just gently scoot him over and placed his hands on the keys. I loved watching his hands play piano because he touched the keys like he loved them too much to hurt them. He touched them like he wanted to show them how much they really ment to him. He begin playing that one part of the song and it sounded perfect. Liam watched Zayn's fingers closely, but Zayn didn't stop playing and just continued so Liam shifted his gaze up to Zayn's face. Zayn stopped playing and a proper area you could stop and looked at me to see if it was good. I nodded then got up to go to the bathroom. I listened to Liam ask Zayn a few things before he knew it was his time to go.

I was glad when Liam left, but I played it cool and walked out of the bathroom to see Zayn was trying to get comfortable on his bed with his whiteboard and some new dry erase markers we had both bought a few weeks back. I got my board too and got to sitting on my bed. I wrote down asking him if he wanted to go to that party with me while he just looked at me. When I flipped the board over he just nodded, but I could tell he was sidetracked into thinking something else. I sat up on my bed and turned towards him to see if there was something he wanted. He wrote something on his board then turned it to me. I chocked on air at his question then looked at his face to see if he was serious.

"You're really asking me if Liam has a boyfriend? Why do you want to know?" I asked him in return. A soft blush covered Zayn's cheeks like he was embarrassed about asking. He wrote something on his whiteboard then turned it to me. I felt any jealous feelings or worried feelings that Zayn liked Liam leave me and be replaced with a smile. Zayn had written that he wanted to know because Liam was really flirtatious and didn't want to get punched by some guy incase he had a boyfriend. I got off my bed and went to sit next to him on his bed. Zayn scoot over to make more room for me and wrapped an arm around me. He picked up his whiteboard and wrote that I looked like a bunny rabbit when I'm jealous. I hit him and giggled nervously, but made sure he didn't think anything of it. He looked at me with a smirk and leaned into my ear.

"You like me." He whispered to me then buried his face into my neck. I once again felt the shock that Zayn spoke to me, but I wanted it to be like this was normal so maybe he would keep opening up to me. I reached over to get his hand in mine to give it a squeeze. He squeezed it back and left a feather light kiss on my neck.

"You like me too." I giggled. I felt him let out soft puffs of air like he was laughing. I think that's what I really admire about him. He has a huge smile that laughs for him. He doesn't need to make sounds, his smile is enough. He moved to look back at me then leaned forward to kiss my lips softly. It was just a short kiss, but it was enough for me to know what he was feeling. His eyes had a soft twinkle in them as he looked at me again. I took the whiteboards from him and laid them on the table next to us. Zayn just watched me like he wanted to learn more about what I was doing.

"So we'll go to that party tonight, but for now I want to take a nap with you." I said. He nodded and pulled me into his arms the way I always enjoy. He kissed my forehead and pulled me even closer.

"Cold?" Zayn whispered to me. I shook my head to answer him and bit the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling at the sound of his voice. He shifted a little to get his phone to check the time. We both saw it was two in the afternoon, so we figured we had tien to sleep. I think recently we both had lost a lot of sleep due to the large amount of studying and stacks of homework we both had. Zayn was also working hard on perfecting his audition song. He was also always trying to spend time texting his sister while I would try to call my family at least once a week. We were busy and sleep seemed to be something neither if us got much of anymore.

A few minutes ticked on of us both just enjoying being with each other. Something about the way we were holding each other felt different though. That small confession we both had seemed to open something up for us both. For Zayn, I could feel the happiness radiation off him as well as the guards he had up completely down as he held me. I felt the same way, but I also had that small flutter in my chest and the repetitive rare sound of Zayn's voice echoing in my mind. All I hoped was more could come from this.

A/N: sorry for the wait! Ziall is so cute! How many of you have read my book The Fighter?!?!?!??!?!? (I'm going to be doing a sequel soon! You don't have to read it if you liked how the first book ended, but it's going to be good!) Comment/Vote!

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