Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

The room was silent as the night hours ticked on. Niall was curled into my body just the way we both like it and his thick eyelashes were fanned over his cheeks as he slept. I should have been asleep too, but there was just too much on my mind. All of those things revolved around the boy I was holding.

I wasn't sure what I was thinking when I kissed him, but I knew it needed to be done. I've never kissed a single person in my life until today, but everything in my body was screaming at me to do it. His lips looked so soft and his eyes were sitting wide with innocence that I just needed to taste it. I needed that sense to be used just as much as the others. I could feel how nervous he was with his hand holding mine, not knowing what exactly was happening. Niall smelt his natural sent that I loved because it's so strong without him adding anything on his body. He just smells like Niall and I love that most of my shirts and pillows smell like him now. I could see how he was confused and that he wanted something to happen. I heard the soft gasp that left his mouth as I spoke his name. The only thing I needed to do was to taste him. So I did and I still feel my heart bouncing in my chest with excitement and my lips tingling to kiss him more. I just hoped he would let me incase I was bad at the whole kissing thing.

As for speaking to him, that was more of a worry than it was something to be excited about. After we finished sharing those soft kisses, Niall and I didn't say anything other than him asking if he could share my bed with me. I just nodded to him and I saw the disappointment in his face when I only nodded. He was expecting me to just speak like everyone else in the world, but I knew that's not how this worked. This was the first time I had spoken in two years and I knew that my mind wanted to just keep me quiet for the rest of my life. I knew how my mind worked and how even when I speak it doesn't feel like I broke through a wall like everyone would assume it feels like. Instead it feels like those barriers are building to get stronger now that I showed them in not weakened by those walls. I was worried how much longer it would be until I found the courage to speak again. I was wanting to know when and how I could find the small hole in the wall of silence to say Niall's name because I loved how it felt rolling off my tongue. But even with that feeling, I knew it wasn't going to break the way my mind worked.

Niall scoot closer to me as a shiver ran through his body. It was getting colder now that it was November. I pulled the blankets up more and held him tighter just like I would do when my sister got cold at night. Niall continued to move in his sleep as if he was searching for more warmth. The heater in our room turned on and I felt relieved that he could have that too. I took the blankets off me a little to wrap them around his smaller body and pulled him closer. He stopped his moving so I knew he had found his warmth and comfort. I couldn't help myself from leaving a soft kiss on his forehead before closing my eyes and telling myself that tomorrow was another day to deal with all that was in my mind. It was another day to try for the chance of kissing Niall again or to deal with his expectations of me speaking more. I wanted to fulfill them, but I knew it would be harder than that. That's just why I told myself tomorrow was another day for my problems.

The next morning I woke up before Niall did. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom to begin to get myself ready for my day. I knew I had a study session with Liam today and Louis wanted me to teach him a difficult part on the piano. He was going to bring his friend Harry, whom I've only hung out with a few times, because he was singing to the song he was playing. I had a busy day planned, but I really wanted to cancel it all and just spend time with Niall.

Once I finished getting cleaned up and looking decent for my day of classes and events, I walked back out to see Niall was now sitting in a big ball of blankets. His eyes visibly lit up when I walked out then his cheeks blushed. He reached one hand out to me, of course, I couldn't resist him and I went over to see what he wanted. I kneeled in front of the bed and just kept my hands rested on his legs that were buried on the blankets.

Mute Musician (Ziall Horlik) AUTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon