Chapter 12

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Zayn's POV

Niall and I both got ready to go to that party after a nice nap. I wasn't sure what to wear, so I had Niall help me out a bit. He ended up giving me some black t-shirt that was from some band he liked and told me to wear some black skinny jeans. I'll have to admit that I didn't looked much like myself at the moment. I usually wear bigger clothes and clothes to cover up my tattoos because people don't think tattoos are art like I think they are. This shirt put them on full display and it kind of made me hope I wouldn't scare anyone or freak anyone out.

While Niall was getting ready himself, I text Doniya that I was going to go to a party and that I was positive Niall liked me. He didn't turn it down when I gently accused him of liking me, so I can only assume it was with truth. My sister text me back with a long list of what I shouldn't do at the party and a short list of what I could do. One of those things was Niall and I immediately felt my face heat up at the thought. I told her to shut up and never to say things like that, but my body seemed to like the imaged my mind started to create. I went into the bathroom immediately and splashed cold water on my face hoping it would help.

The thing about being the weird mute kid is that my thoughts become friends. I think of situations more vividly than anyone else because there's no way for me to actually speak to others and have those real life experiences. One thought that I always had was how my first kiss was going to be. I could never imagine who it was going to be until I met Niall and that's all I could think about during the day. Now, however, my thoughts started having a mind of their own like they sometimes do. They're pushing me to imagine things that I knew were bad to think of. Niall wouldn't do any of the things I was thinking about even if we both admitted there were feelings there.

"Zayn, are you okay?" Niall asked through the door. I made sure my pants were fixed so you couldn't see anything and I dried my face off before opening the door. That didn't help my problem at all because Niall looked perfect. He had on a white t-shirt that was scooped low enough to show off his collar bones that were very prominent. His jeans were very tight and light blue so it showed off everything about his legs that I wanted to touch.

"Do I look okay?" Niall asked me in a small voice, making me realize I had just been staring at him with my mouth open. I nodded with a smile on my face and carefully snaked one arm around his curvy waist. He let me pull him as a giggled left his mouth. I placed a soft kiss on his cheek then bent down enough to kiss one of his collarbones. He squeezed me at that, but didn't say anything after I let him go. If anything, his blue eyes were looking at me like he wanted more.

We both left our room and begin our journey to where the party was. I didn't really want to go, but I knew Niall had never been to one and I knew he would probably be a bit reckless if he didn't have someone there to help him out. I also would do anything he told me to do because he's too cute not to listen to. Niall was talking about who would be there and what to look out for. He was actually pretty impressive for learning so many names and knowing all these people. Then again, I usually say him around campus talking to everyone and hanging out in the courtyard playing his guitar with people around him. That's what makes our friendship, or whatever this is, so strange. We're complete opposites in almost every way.

As we got closer to the house that was flowing with people either going in or out. I felt a little nervous to be going into such a social setting, so I slipped my hand to Niall's lower back just trying to calm my nerves. Niall music have noticed because he scoot closer to me and let me cuddle him up. A smile spread on my face because he was so easy to just be with. Even if sometimes I can't read his body language that well because his mind is always doing something else, he's pretty easy to just touch.

"It will be fun. If you're not having fun, find me and we can leave." Niall told me as we got to the steps of the house. I nodded and let him go so he could push open the door.

Mute Musician (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now