Chapter 21

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Niall's POV

After a very hard goodbye, I found myself boarding a plane to go to Ireland. Zayn didn't want me to leave him even though he wanted to go home to see his grandmother. The days following our first time together seemed to be full of love I've never thought I could have and doubt that I hated seeing Zayn had. It was something that I didn't expect at all because I figured he knew I loved him, but he just didn't want me to be away from him. It was like I was seeing this younger side of Zayn come out showing me exactly why he doesn't speak.

Doniya was there to pick Zayn up to take him home, which is when Zayn started crying. At that moment I told him he could come home with me, but I think he realized that he needed to see his grandmother more than he needed to be with me. It still didn't make it easy to leave our dorm room to get into the waiting cab. All I could think of was Zayn's big eyes somehow looking bigger as he silently begged me not to leave him. Doniya tried to reassure Zayn that this wasn't like a forever goodbye thing and it was just a week, but it still ripped my heart out of my chest to see him crying. I could only promise him that I was coming back and that I loved him.

I pushed my bag into the overhead compartment and sat down in the seat. I text Zayn that I was on my plane now. He text me back that he was missing me already. Just as I was about to text him back something sounding be same, but I got a call from the man that wanted me and the rest of the guys to go in a record some of our music. I answered really fast because I knew I had to turn my phone off really soon.

"Hello, Niall. I was just confirming that you were going to be available to come out to London on January tenth to record. I've spoken to the other four boys and they're on board for this, but I just needed to check with you." He said. I started bitting my nails and tried to think if that would work. I knew Zayn had his audition on the sixth and his birthday was on the twelfth so I needed to be with Zayn those days.

"The tenth would work, but how long will we be out there?" I asked him. He answered that it would take about two days just to make sure we could get a short album together to send to the producers so they can choose to sign us or not.

"I guess I'll see you soon. Have a good Christmas." I said before hanging up. I text Zayn that I loved him and that we could Skype later tonight of he wanted to. He text me back that he wanted to, but he didn't know how that would work. I had to laugh to myself because I always found it funny when Zayn was aware of the way his silence affected a lot of things. I didn't mind through.

After that, I turned my phone on airplane mode and sat back for the rest of the flight. I listened to some of the music that made me think of Zayn. Really it made me think of how amazing he really is. If I were to just look at him for his outside there's so much that could be said. I love his jet black hair and the way it has some curl to it. When he's focusing on his music his hair seems to fall a bit, but goes unnoticed by him. I love seeing him without clothes on too. Not even in the sexual way, it could just be seeing him without a shirt on and he looks perfect. His skin is inked in a way that just fits him.

Now thinking of him naked makes me think of how amazing his body feels against mine. I've been with enough people to know what I like and don't like as well as how things should go. I could tell he had no idea what he was doing and he was freaked out about everything. I was nervous as well, but I was so ready to feel him in that way that it didn't matter. It hit me hard once we were done that it was Zayn's first time and I hoped he had liked it. I saw in his eyes he liked it, but I was worried that he was going to regret it. With the way he's acting about being even a few inches away from me I can tell it wasn't only about the pleasure. He found a connection there that I had been feeling with him the second I laid eyes on him. He's always given me that feeling that he's the only one my heart could love this much. He's now feeling it and the only way he knows how to handle this is by staying by me and making sure to show me how he's feeling.

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