"What do you want first?"

"Nuggets!" Troye said a little to quickly but he didn't care. Connor pulled out the box and set it on Troye's lap then gently took Finn from his arms and set him in the little baby bed they had for him in the room. Troye dug into his food, moaning as he did so while Connor laughed and ate some fries.

It was quiet and perfect, and Troye almost forgot about what happened a few hours ago and about what he needed to mention to Connor until there was a knock on his door and in popped in Joe. He looked clean and less tired but stopped in his tracks when he spotted Connor.

Troye suddenly felt uncomfortable. His ex/baby daddy and current boyfriend were in the same room and although Troye knew it needed to happen at some point, he wasn't prepared.

"Hey," he said with a small smile as he stepped closer to Troye and Connor. Connor knew exactly who the guy was. He had looked him up, wanting to know what kind of piece of shit would hurt someone as precious as Troye and he wanted to punch him. To hurt him as much as he heart the poor blue eyed boy that he loved and he swore that if he ever got Joe in front of him, he'd punch him.

But when Connor did have Joe right in front of him, the hatred and vengeance disappeared but replaced with a sense of thankfulness because just like Troye, he was thankful that Joe had let him go so Connor could pick him right up and keep him for himself to love, to hold and to cherish. Troye was his, not Joe's. Connor was an adult and knew that everyone made mistakes. He couldn't hate Joe. After all he was Finn's father and as much as he didn't want to, they had to share him. So why not do it like civilized adults and as friends?

"Hey, I'm Connor," he said and stuck his hand out for Joe to shake. Joe looked at in surprise and Troye smiled. He didn't know what Connor's reaction would be towards Joe but he was happy that it was this.

He watched as Joe slowly took his hand and have it a firm shake.

"I'm Joe. It's nice to meet you."

"Like wise. Would you like some fries? We have plenty," Connor offered and walked back to the bed. Joe smiled but shook his head and walked over to Finn.

"No, thanks man. How are you Troye?" He asked the boy who was still stuffing his face with food. He nodded his head and gave him a thumbs up. Connor laughed and kissed his head.

Joe watched and he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt to see how affectionate they were together but he also reminded himself that it was his fault that Troye slipped through his fingers. He was happy if Troye was happy and he just had to move on.

"Thank you for not hitting him," Troye whispered. Connor smiled and kissed Troye's temple as they watched Joe interact with a sleeping Finn.

"I'm a pacifist, besides, I'm saving that punch for another time. If he ever hurts you again or Finn, I'm not holding back," he said with such a serious face and Troye felt his heart swell.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Troye said, his eyes full of so much love and adoration. Connor grinned.

"No, but we have the rest of our lives so you can."

"So you want to spend the rest of your life with me and Finn?" Connor smiled and kissed Troye on the lips.

"I wouldn't want it any other way."

The End


A/N: So yes, this is the end of yet another Tronnor fanfiction and believe me when I say I didn't think I'd get this far. I wasn't sure how a Tronnor mpreg would do in the fandom and surprisingly I did rather well.

Ive always wanted to write and mpreg and I'm glad that I did. You guys have been the best of fans and I love the Tronnor fandom more than anything because you guys are so nice and funny and supportive. Thank you.

And remember a few chapters ago when I told you I had a surprise, well here it is.

writing this Tronnor story and creating Finn, I fell in love with him and in my head created a story about him and I'm just like shit! I need to make this a story.

So my second surprise is that Finn is getting his own story and it's basically going to just be fluff and not too much drama. If there is any, I won't be serious. I just want it to be cute and lovey dovey as possible.

I really hope you check it out, its up as of now so please, read it and let me know what you think

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I really hope you check it out, its up as of now so please, read it and let me know what you think.

This Tronnor story has been an absolute delight and thank you all for making it wonderful.

With that said, I love you guys and until our next adventure.




PS: the new Wild music video killed me. That guy was no Connor but still, I ship it!

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