She put on a big smile and quickly pecked his cheek before he'd push her away. He grimaced and wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. She feigned heartbreak by putting a hand over her heart. He huffed at the gesture.

"I'm not a pup anymore or a baby vamp. Stop acting cute and cuddly on me."

"You're growing too fast, mein sohn." She reached out and stroked his hair gently. "Soon, you'll become a man and I'll have to let you go."

"Not that soon," he sighed out. Those words carried meanings they both understood. No mate, no falling in love, no safety outside - these conditions would cause him to remain with his parents until he could move out and be on his own.

To put words into action, Eric stepped out into the main room. There were two sections, each facing the opposite wall. A long stretch of mirror covered each wall, marble-top counters and swivel leather chairs facing them.

He located Amanda sitting on a chair, at the left side, beside what looked like her mother. She was engrossed in whatever she was doing on her phone. The rest of the world was lost to her attention.

"Hey," Eric called, causing her to snap out of it.

Light gray eyes lined by long lashes blinked up at him in surprise. "What're you doing here?"

"Came with my mom. You?"

"Same thing." She glanced down at her polished fingernails to avoid his intense stare.

"Let's take a walk outside for a moment."

Amanda's head jerked up instantly. Had she heard right?

He sighed. "Don't give me that look. I'm a person with legs who can get bored, too."

Her brows raised in suspicion but she said nothing. Instead, she got down from the high chair, told her mom she'd be back, and fell in step beside him. Some of the girls inside followed them out of the building with their eyes.

On the sidewalk, Amanda tried to understand what was going on. She'd only spoken to this boy twice in her life, and here she was, taking a walk with him.

Eric could sense her discomfort. It bothered him a little. "What?"

"Why are you... Why are we doing this?"

He looked at her. "Do you want to go back?"

She quickly shook her head. "No. It's fine. It's just..."

"Weird. Strange. Abnormal." He gave her a look with raised brows.

She shrugged. "Yeah. That."

He said nothing else, so they walked on in silence. Chelsea's lessons ran through his mind, but he couldn't put any of it to action. This wouldn't bode well.

On the other hand, Amanda was still trying so hard to comprehend her current situation. She noticed the open stares some youngsters passing by, were giving them. It made her frown.

Though Eric was a star in Einstein High, Amanda knew that only about one-third of the female population in school swooned over him. She found him attractive, too - any girl with two working eyes and a functioning brain had to. It was just that she could never find herself in the crowd that claimed to have a "crush" on him. Even gay guys had tried asking him out to no avail.

Well, Eric couldn't have enough charm to hold all the girls captive, since there were other hot boys in school. Like Steve Branson, although he was cold towards girls. And the hottie from Azerbaijan, Huseyn Seyid, a senior who was also the son of a multimillionaire tycoon. There was also the unattainable Dutch senior, Logan Beecham. It was interesting to know that some boys were lucky to be rich, handsome and intelligent.

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