slut goes down

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This is stupid i don't like it at all . well i did say he was my boyfriend so ugh why did i even say that ugh. Theboys smirked and i just nodded and we went in our motorcycles to his house cuz i couldn't let him know the truth about my horrible life ugh . any ways where were we oh righ sorry ..... I smirked his house is a fucking mantion jack pot . lol he lived on his own with the guys. We watched a movie and now we were playing on the ps4 cod i was kiking their asses haha in their faces i was luaghing . they said "your cheating " i laughed and smirked then said "your jealous just cuz i kiked your asses today" i stick my tounge out at them in a childish way i was laughing so hard i couldn't stop . we all laughed and yhe gang leader lead me out so i can go home. He kissed my cheek and i hugged him. We broke apart and i said "my names mia kyle" thats all i said before i took of on my baby and got home and gave into a butiful sleep i need my sleep. I woke up ready to startthe say i put on my bad ass look back on to start my day in a great way

 I woke up ready to startthe say i put on my bad ass look back on to start my day in a great way

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I got on my baby and took of to hell aka school . ok to be honest its very true ok. I went into the back of the school and smoked a cigarette and waited for my boyfriend kyle and his ping pong balls to get here . no i didn't mean it that way you durty minded people lol i am one too 😂😂 ok i am done
They got here and kyle gave me a kiss in the cheek i might have blushed a little omg what am i doing i was only gonna play them ugh why do i havr feelings i mean i can turn them off i just don't want to . ok we smoked and shit. We smoked pot too and i need to ho see my brother too hes awsome i mean why not lol me being stupid. Ok i looked at kyle dead serious and asked one very important question "do you like gummy bears?" he looked confused but responded anyways "yes theu are really good cupcake" i was offended . i put a hand on my heart pretending to be hurt. I said "omg how could you i thought you loved me" the rest of the gangs were laughing so hard at us and i just smirked and fake cryed. "Were over" i took of laughing secretly i knew they were all shocked at my out burst lol . i went on my baby and took of to my brother yay i miss him so much even though hes a fucking pain in the ass. I arrived and decided to make a great entrence. I kicked the doors open and everyone's head snapped torward me they bowed their heads in respect . i hugged my brother and tolf him everything he understands and then he said "your one of the leaders here so this is your house your welcome anytime remember that ok" i smiled at him and he nodded then we hugged and i said "i miss you" he kissed tge top of my head and said "i miss you too sis" then we pulled away when i heard the click of heels coming our way. We turned around and i saw a slut eww wtf is a slut doing here. She went to my bro and kissed him then turned to me anf said "this is my boyfriend bitch" wrong move bitch at that moment my eyes began to change into black not very good . she stared at me and laughed the said "freak wtf are you doing here" i was even more pissed my cranes grew and the ground shoke my voice changed into scary mode . i screamed "i am the divils daughter and absolutely no one disrespects me and you a fucking slut i smell many sents on you" i ate her soul and her body fell life less to the ground i smirked and my eyes changed back and my cranes disappeared. I turned to my brother and said "next time you have a fucking slut keep her away from me and you should know no one messes with me" i smirked evilly and walked back to my baby and rode back to my house.

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