"I just thought you'd want to get back soon." she says and I turn from her. "We have things to do before we head back to England, brat. Until then you're staying in one of the cells downstairs." I growl, crossing my arms before hearing a sniffle, making me freeze.

I turn my head and see tears in the girl's eyes, making my eyes widen. "Why are you crying?!?" I question in disbelief, seeing her rub one of her eyes. "I thought I would get to stay with you." she whimpers and my eye begins to twitch angrily before I bend down, looking at her and seeing her sad eyes looking back at me.

"I can't have a four year old little brat following me around." I snap and she pouts. "I'm six!" she protests and I roll my eyes. "Even better." I grumble sarcastically before she reaches out and grabs my hand, but I pull away from her instinctively.

"These men scare me though." she says sadly and I huff, standing back up and crossing my arms. "Again, that's not my problem. You're the one who ended up here." I say irritated, my eyes widening as I feel a tug on my cloak. 

Looking down, I see the irritant gripping me tightly, looking up at me expectantly. "You'll protect me right?" she asks and I scoff, looking away and shaking my head. "Why should I protect you?" I ask harshly and her grip gets tighter. "I don't know how to fight." she murmurs and I feel myself let out a sigh, shaking my head.

"Fine. Only if you're about to die. Other than that, you're on your own." I mutter and she gasps in happiness. "Thank you!" she exclaims and I glare down at her, not used to such a bubbly little ball of happiness.

"You can let me go now." I snap and she shakes her head, a grin on her face. "This way I won't get into trouble." she says and I raise an eyebrow, about to ask what she meant when she began to climb my cloak, bringing me down slightly before she hastily climbed onto my back, gripping my hair to hold her up.

"LET GO OF ME!" I shout, shaking my head back and forth and I feel her grip get tighter, making me curse angrily. I reach my hand back and grab the back of her shirt, ripping her from my back and holding her in front of me, glaring at her. "What are you doing?!" I hiss and she smiles. 

"If I stay with you, then you won't have to worry about me causing trouble on your ship, right?" she says and I narrow my eyes. "If you cause trouble on this ship I will kill you." I growl and she frowns. "But we already made a deal." she whines and I roll my eyes.

"Deals are made to be broken. If you piss me off anymore, I will kill you." I threaten and she stares at me for a moment before sighing, looking down as she numbly nodded her head. "Okay..." she trails off and I grit my teeth, not knowing how to deal with her. 

"You can stay by me, but you can't climb me." I growl and her eyes grow wide again, giving me a bright smile. "Okay!!" she says excitedly and I drop her, seeing her stumble before falling, letting out a slight squeal as she hit her head, making a grin come to my face. That was cute........

My eyes widened and I turned away, letting out a huff. "Get up." I order and I hear her huff, before she appears beside me, rubbing her head. "Where are we going?" she asks and I narrow my eyes. "We're going on a search." I say and she claps her hands together, looking quite excited.

"For treasure?!" she asks and I raise an eyebrow, looking down at her. "No." I say and her shoulders sink. "Oh." she says and I look back up, seeing some of the crew members looking at me, snickering and pointing. I gave them all a sharp glare, making them put their heads down and keep walking.

"Come with me." I order and begin walking, hearing her tiny little footsteps hurrying behind me. I led her to my quarters, opening the door and walking inside, her following me. "Where are we?" she asks and I groan. 

"Stop asking questions." I nag and she pouts at me. Ignoring her, I walk to the back of the desk, grabbing a chest and dragging it out. "We don't need to search for treasure, because we already have it." I explain, putting it right in front of her, seeing her eyes widen. 

I open the box, seeing all the gold inside before turning to the girl, seeing her eyes light up with happiness and I scoff. "You act like this is the best thing in the world." I sneer and she claps her hands together, giving me a huge smile, making the sneer fall from my face. 

"It is!!" she gapes, picking up a piece and examining it, fascinated with the gold. I roll my eyes, huffing before walking away from her. "Stay in here and play with that for awhile. Don't leave until I come for you, understand?" I order and she nods to me happily, climbing into the chest and sitting on the gold, giggling to herself as she plays with it.

A small smile comes to my face before I shake my head, leaving her alone and closing the door behind me, letting out a long sigh. 

"Jack!" I shout, looking up and seeing him looking down at me. "Yes?" he asks and I huff. "Change of plans. Let's go back to Eastborne. I left something unfinished and I need to complete it before we can go." I say and he nods, looking slightly confused but he begins to change the course of the ship, making me sigh as I walk up to the railing, crossing my arms and looking at the sea.

This little girl was nothing but trouble. The sooner I threw her off my ship, the better. So going back to England was the only way for me to get rid of her. I could kill her...but I am intrigued to see what Bella's weakness is. It will be very amusing and fulfilling to finally get rid of her once and for all...

And to get rid of this child.

So I hope you like this chapter!! How many of you love Layla? What do you think she's planning? Please let me know what you think!! Love you guys!

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