The first time i laid eyes on you

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I walk home alone today pissed about my friends thinking that I can't take care of myself . I am old enough to look after myself and get a date to go with me to homecoming . Then I stop to see a tall handsome gorgeous boy who looks about my age. I drop my bag and everything falls out clattering to the ground the boy eyes sparkle as he bends down to help me . As I reach to grab my phone his hand lingers on mine for like 5 Mississippi's and he smile awkwardly and removes his hand . When we get up he puts his hand forward and says " Lucas mam".
I look at his hand and shake it firmly "Riley " I say with a smile he lets go and says
Lucas : I just moved here and I am looking for a new school with my mum she is sitting by the bench there . "
I look towards where he is pointing and see a small women with blonde curls and a big dog . I hate large dogs I am more comfortable with cats ,purple cats . I start to develop a Riley scared face and run off into the subway leaving him behind . I don't know why but I think I had a panic attack because of that awfully large dog . I hope that I didn't make myself look stupid .when I get home I run past my mom and dad and into my room And throw my head onto a pillow . Why am I such a Freak I hate this life. everyday I face a bunch of people that hate me and make my life a living hell they are called bullies . And I hate them . Everyone thinks that my life is amazing but it truly sucks . I want to die...

Riley MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now