Not so great outdoors! part 2!

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Wendy's bikini*

"okay! todays challenge is three-fold. your first task is to jump off of this 1000 foot high cliff into the lake." Chris says like its the easiest thing to do. "piece of cake ." Bridgette says carelessly. "if you look down you will see two target areas .the wider area represents the part of the lake that we have stocked with psychotic ,man eating ,sharks! inside that area is a safe zone, that's your target area, which were pretty sure is shark free. "he says deviously ."excuse me!?" Leshawna screeches ."for each member of your team that jumps, and actually survives, there will be a crate of supplies waiting below. inside each crate are supplies you will need for the second part of the challenge. building a hot-tub! the team with the best one gets to have a wicked hot-tub party tonight !the losers will be sending someone home. lets see... killer bass ,your up first." he smirks. Bridgette walks to the side of the cliff and freezes "o wow. so who wants to go first?" Bridgette chuckles nervously. everyone just stands their awkwardly waiting. "so whos up?" eve asks demandingly. "ladies first." Duncan says while checking me out. I step out and towards the edge "fine ill go." I look down towards the small circle that I'm supposed to land on, and take a deep breath in and out. I feel someone step out from behind me. "hey don't worry Wendy ,you'll be fine." Geoff says while putting his hand on the small of my back.


WENDY: to be honest I was really scared until Geoff gave me the pep talk (looks down blushing) DUNCAN: when Geoff was talking to her then touched her back, I felt like I was going to blow. BRIDGETTE: Geoff touched her! I thought he liked me. (looks down with tears in eyes) GEOFF: Wendy looked so scared I couldn't stand to see her like that so I tried to comfort her which helped but when I walked back to everyone else, they all ignored me.


when I had enough courage I walked back a little and ran then jumped off of the cliff. while I was in the air ,I did a summersault then landed directly I the middle of the smaller circle. I waved up to everyone signaling that I was ok then got on the boat which took me to the land. I sat on the beach and watched as the other contestants came down. Bridgette came down like and eagle, then Tyler but he landed on one of the metal things, Geoff was yelling 'whoo hoo hoo hoo', 'look out below! 'screamed Eva, Duncan came down with a straight face and his arms crossed which I laughed at, DJ chickened out and came down the escalators with a chicken hat on, and ezekeule hit a rock on his way down but still landed in the circle , then Harold landed with a split in the water. ouch. Courtney also chickened out wuss and I guess Katie switched with Izzy because her and Sadie jumped down together .the other team all jumped except for Beth who chickened out and Owen who still needed to jump.

Owen finally jumped causing a gigantic wave to come barreling towards us. because the force of the wave was so strong I got knocked down to the bottom of the lake. I tried swimming up but the current held me down but I kept trying . I then saw Trent jump in the water and pull me to the surface. when we got their he carried me bridal style to the sand where everyone was looking at me worriedly ,well mostly the guys, Gwen looked away from us as Duncan and Geoff ran to us. "are you alright dude ? we saw you go under." Geoff says taking me from Trent still in bridal style. "yah I'm fine ,really." I reply to him. then Duncan takes me away from Geoff. "are you sure that your alright?" he asks nervousness in his eyes. "guys I'm fine. " I say jumping out of Duncan's arms .Geoff and Duncan eventually stalk off and I turn to Trent. "thanks for saving me ... again." he smiles brightly and pulls me in for a hug. I'm a little shocked because I'm usually the one who gives the hugs but eventually I hug him back. when we break apart Chris starts talking. " the winners are the screaming gophers!" Chris yelps. I tell Trent to go celebrate and he does while I go to my team and we start to pull the boxes to our campsite.

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