Gwen Pays a visit

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Seeing the disconcerted look on Isabella's face, Gwen put her hand up to her mouth in realisation, "Oh my poor Isabella, I believe I have quite shocked you with my talk. You must think I'm quite an awful person?"

"Oh no" Isabella hurriedly replied, "But- well I must admit, I find it a little unusual," she added tactfully "But I do not think you are awful, I am afraid I just don't understand,"

"No," Gwen sighed, "I don't suppose you could – it's just, unlike you, I lack any kind of maternal instinct," she said woefully.

"And your husband Peter, he does not mind?" Isabella found herself asking in fascinated curiosity.

"Oh not at all," Gwen replied easily, "You are forgetting my dear Isabella, that Peter is a good deal older than me, he already has two sons and a daughter from his first wife before the poor woman died," she informed her

"No, Peter is quite content in the matter, he much prefers me as the witty entertaining hostess, a little wife he can show of and admire, I don't think it would suit at all if I became pregnant, why I might never regain my figure" Gwen looked horrified at the idea of it.

"Yes, well that is something I don't really have to be concerned about," Isabella remarked with a small smile.

She had always been a little on the plump side, and there had been a time she envied her friend's slim waistline and figure, so in this she could quite understand why Gwen had no desire to get pregnant.

But still Isabella would not swap places with Gwen for the shapeliest body on earth now, she adored being a mother.

When the maid arrived with the tea, Isabella decided to stick to a safer topic of conversation.

"So Gwen, how are you finding it living back in England again?"

"Oh, it's colder, wetter, but I have never been happier," Gwen replied truthfully thinking of Daniel.

They had met several times since their first encounter, each time they rediscovered each other with new delight. Sitting here with Isabella, Gwen felt a small sense of pity for her friend, thinking how easily Daniel had fallen back into her arms and with such eagerness.

Isabella had been no obstacle at all. But then that was hardly surprising. As charming and pleasant as Isabella was in her own way, she was no beauty, and at times was a little dull. No wonder Daniel regretted marrying her" Gwen thought into herself sadly

"So, how is Daniel?" she enquired casually

"He is keeping well," Isabella replied "He is in York at the moment, visiting his father. I am not expecting him back until the end of the week"

Gwen remained silent, then just smiled and nodded as if it were little consequence to her. She already knew of Daniel's whereabouts, he had told her two days ago when they had last been together. It was why she had chosen this occasion to visit Isabella.

"He will be so sorry he has missed you calling," Isabella then spoke up, she hesitated before adding, "But I am so glad you came.. I have always felt uneasy about our friendship since Daniel and I married.. Even a little guilty" she confessed

Gwen looked at her inquiringly, "Whatever do you mean?"

"We all grew up together," Isabella replied, "And when we were younger, I always knew that there was a special bond between you and Daniel. I always expected that you would end up married to each other," Isabella could not hide her awkwardness as she continued,

"I know Daniel cared for you deeply, and I think he was devastated when he learned you were to marry Lord Hawthorne - I don't wish to bring back painful memories" she hurriedly added, noticing Gwen frowning into her cup of tea

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