Chapter 26 (Sadness...Anger)

Depuis le début


     "Is Kaylyn going to be OK?" Sapphire sobbed in Liz's arms. She was doing so for quite some time and Liz wasn't sure what could stop her.

     "You have to believe that she will honey," she told her, not wanting to give her false hope.

      "It's all because of that stupid baby!" she cursed, believing that the baby was the cause of kaylyn's hurt. "I don't want it to come anymore," she pouted, still shedding silent tears.

     "No Sapph-" Liz cut herself off when she heard a voice asking about Kaylyn.

She turned around and saw Catherine Belle and two other elderly persons she didn't quite recognize.

Sapphire eased from Liz's lap and Liz watched as her expression hardened upon seeing them. Before she could understand what was happening, Sapphire marched towards them, with determined strides.

    "What are you doing here?!" she asked bitterly, staring up at Catherine specifically.

     "Excuse me little girl-" Catherine began but was cut off by a very indignant Sapphire.

       "We dont want any of you here. You yelled at Kaylyn and slapped her," she tilted her head to glare at Patrick and Lilith.

     "Where is Kaylyn?" Lilith asked sternly.

      "She's sick all because you shouted at her and made the baby upset!" she yelled angrily, her little voice ringing out in the room.

Catherine scoffed. "Get out of our way, you little brat!" she hissed, attempting to push Sapphire to one side. That attempt however, failed when Sapphire kicked her on the shin. Catherine expelled a hearty 'Ouch!', as he crouched, clutching her paining leg. Sapphire then pushed her forcefully, causing her to fall to the floor, landing on her bottom in a thud.

      "You little brat!" Catherine yelled and Sapphire folded her arms across her chest.

       "Bitch!" she fired back, using the curse word she had picked up at school.

       "Sapphire!" Liz scolded disapprovingly.

She pouted her little pink lips. "She started it!"

       "What's going on here?" a voice asked firmly from behind and everyone spun around to find Matthew with Kaylyn by her side.

Sapphire rushed towards them, a wide grin on her face. "Kaylyn!" she expelled in a relieved tone, hugging her legs. Kaylyn smiled amidst her sadness and gently patted Sapphire on the shoulders. At least she had someone to lift her spirits for the time being.

Seeing Catherine, Matthew became furious. Strolling determinedly to confront her, he grabbed her arms, pulling her to face him. A slight gasp escaped her lips upon seeing the murderous look on Matthew's face, and she couldn't quite control the fear that coursed through her body. She knew the man was a tough cookie, but the look on his face now proved to her what great deal of an understatement 'tough' was.

        "You really have some nerve coming here woman," he hissed bitterly; deadly. "Now get the hell out of here before I do something that will grant you a stay downstairs," he sneered, referring to the hospital's morgue.

She paled, looking aghast. "I was just-"

     "I don't need to hear it!" he growled now, his face reddening with anger. "Leave!" he spat, releasing his hold on her so she could do so. The force by which he released her, seemed like a shove, and so Catherine stumbled but quickly regained her balance.

She swallowed visibly, looking embarrassed before she spun on her heels.

      "Catherine," Matthew called and she turned to face him, her eyes slightly blurry with tears.

      "You will live to regret this," he threatened and she blanched further, knowing every word to be true. Matthew was always a man of his word.

After she disappeared around the corner, Matthew turned to the Fisher's. "Do I need to repeat myself or did you get the gist?" he asked cocking a brow.

       "We just wanted to know how our daughter was doing," Patrick exclaimed weakly.

       "Daughter?" Matthew raised a brow in mocked surprise. "I thought she held no relations with you?" he didn't take his eyes from Patrick's and so the poor man was left prey to his deadly glare.

Patrick sighed, feeling defeated. Looking over Matthew's shoulders, he saw Kaylyn behind looking in their direction. It had been years since he had seen his daughter and now that he was given the opportunity, he felt like a new man, even though the situation in which they met was not a good one.

She looked just like the Kaylyn he knew and remembered with her kindness shining in her eyes and the remarkable beauty of her face. The sadness was visibly etched in her face and Patrick wanted to hug her, like he'd always do when she was a child and sad when Lilith would shout at her.

All the memories came back to him in bullet speed, an array of emotions making themselves known. Patrick knew that even if he didn't live to get the chance to speak with Kaylyn, he would be a happy man, because he had found his lost treasure and saw its beauty.

      "Kaylyn I'm sorry," he said the words, wanting them to reach the ears of his daughter, but they were only audible to his.

     "Patrick!" a voice rang out, pulling Patrick from his thoughts. He spun around and saw a scowl on Lilith's face. "I've be calling your name repeatedly. Let's go!" she hissed in frustration.

Patrick turned to once again look at Kaylyn, but this time she had her head hung. His eyes burned with the knowledge that his daughter was so close to him and yet he couldn't say a word.

       "Good luck with that one Mayhew. You're going to need it," Lilith scoffed.

Matthew ground his teeth so hard he thought they'd shatter in his mouth, knowing that the only thing that prevented him from knocking out the woman cold, was the unfortunate fact that she was a woman.

They spun on their heels and left, Patrick's eyes never leaving Kaylyn until the door to the elevator prevented him from doing so.

He sighed when he was in the elevator, raking his hand through his hair. He stiffened when strands of his already receding hair came out in his hand. Swallowing hard, he quickly shoved it in his pocket before Lilith saw. This was one of the apparent side effects of having cancer and being on chemo.


Matthew turned to Sapphire and Kaylyn after watching the retreating Fisher's.

     "You guys ready to go home?" he asked, realizing that his anger had dissipated upon seeing them.

       "I thought you'd never ask, Daddy," Sapphire exclaimed with a sigh. "I want to make Mac and Cheese for Kaylyn," she beamed in excitement.

Matthew smiled. "You can't make that"

      "No, but you will help me," she grinned and Matthew shook his head, reaching for the small bag that Kaylyn held with the medications.

      "I'll manage," she quipped, walking away and leaving Matthew to stare at the spot she had earlier occupied.

Sapphire sighed as she too walked away, muttering a disgusted. Men.

Matthew shook his head and sighed, realizing that Kaylyn was still angry with him. He had a lot of making up to do it seemed.


Not much of a cliffhanger this time huh? I decided to take it easy on you guys :)

I hope you enjoyed!
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Thank you as always for all your support!!! I really appreciate it!!
Lots of love!!
Until next time..
Laters baby!!!

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