Chapter Thirty Seven

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Four months later

"Pack up the gear we're moving out in twenty." Anne called, getting up from her kneeling position.

Denni and I glanced at each other, both of us shaking our heads.

"She needs rest." I whispered.

"I agree."

We watched as one of the scouts ran up and spoke quietly to Anne, who's shoulders relaxed slightly.

"Change of plans!" She called. "We're camping here, gonna screw with the aliens tomorrow morning."

Some small cheers filled the air.

"Probably more excited for the chance to sleep than anything." I said to Denni.

She laughed lightly, nodding.

"I think that's the first time I've laughed in weeks." She said quietly.

"Yeah's been a rough couple of months." I said.

"You miss him?" Denni asked.

"More than anything." I replied. "I just feel like...if he was still alive we would've found him by now you know? I have this feeing that he's...not alive anymore."

Denni rubbed my arm in what was supposed to be a comforting way.

"Don't think like that." She said. "We'll find him."

"Feels like we're right back to where we started." I said. "Out on the run, not knowing where Ben is. Just like how it was three years ago."

"C'mon, let's get some sleep." Denni said quietly, nodding towards the tent.

Morning came early the next day, me being wakened by Denni.

"Let's go kick some skitter ass." She said.

A group of seven of us took off into the woods, following Anne and the scout towards the bridge.

"And this should work?" Anne asked again as Anthony, Denni, and I set up the fertilizer bomb.

"All it needs is a radio frequency." Anthony replied.

"Let's move." She said.

The seven of us ran across the bridge, sliding into a ditch on the opposite side. Anne began to go over the plan again, for what was about the tenth time that hour as the noise of the truck got closer.

"Blow it." Anne said.

I turned the dial on the remote, watching and waiting as nothing happened. I tried again, getting the same result.

Anne cursed, practically grabbing Dick's shirt off of his body and setting it on fire, running across the bridge and throwing the make shift bomb into the driver pit on of truck.

"He's dead." Anne said as we ran up to her. "Open her up, I wanna check out this ammo."

"Uh, Anne? You might want to see this." Anthony called.

The rest of us ran around the truck, stopping as our eyes landed on the truck full of kids.

"Oh my god." Anne said, shaking her head. "Let's get them out."

We began leading the kids away from the bridge, putting them in a group about twenty yards away.

"What are we gonna do?" Anthony asked.

"We split up, half of us takes them to our check point and the other half follows this road. Where ever they were going maybe Lexi's there too." Anne said.

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