Alpha and I follow behind them, walking through the dark forest. Yeah, we're still here in this Deathclaw infested place. I'll just keep my guard up.

My attention is quickly drawn to Nick who started to fall behind the two, his pace soon matched mine.

"Where are we going?" I asked him after a few minutes of silence.

"Apparently the dog says there's a place that's all green. Where the nuke didn't hit, But it's a pretty crazy and most likely fake idea," He explains. All I do is nod.

"Why are you guys in this place anyways?" I looked around and see many dead and fallen trees.

"I actually have no idea, but my guess is that we're just trying to keep going forward," He looked to me, "So, I wanted to ask about your famous Bounty Hunting life."

"Huh? It's really nothing, no one recognizes me besides people who need me. I'm actually kinda surprised you knew so much about me," I answered.

"I know almost every famous person in the wasteland. Mainly to try and make the best deals with them but it never really works," he sighed.

"Your potions? I think everyone's already used to there appearance the wasteland did to them," I told him.

"I guess you're right, but it doesn't help to try and make something," He said before he headed back to Cory and Adam.

I sighed as I start walking a bit slower, is this really what I've had to come to? Being with this weird group, away from my Bounty Hunting business?

I was taken out of my thought when I bumped into Cory who stopped. "What the-?" I looked to what they were staring at.

I back up a bit, "Oh no..."

My breath started to quicken as I listen to it's growling.

"Stay still, we don't know whe-" Cory looked around, "Where'd Nick go?" I turned to the side where he was, he wasn't there anymore.

"Ugh, okay just don't move. Maybe we can get past it," Cory started to move to the side but the growling quickly stopped him.

"What are we doing Cory?" Adam whispered.

I looked at the shadow, don't Deathclaws move around more? No this can't be one. I pull out my hunting knife and point it downwards.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" Cory whispered-yelled at me.

"Trust me," I walked towards it, my fears soon washed away as lights turn on and I realize something, "This thing isn't real."

I bring my knife down and looked the unique statue. It was made out of wood and looked a lot like a Deathclaw.

Four trees surrounded it, and there seemed to be some typed of wire going around each one. I go to trip it.

"Stop!" I hear a voice yell, "Don't touch that!"

I stopped and looked to the guy who was yelling. He was wearing this red scarf and had weirdly colored eyes. I stood still as I realized he had his gun pointed at me.

"Huh? Who are you? What is this things?" I looked at him then back at the 'Deathclaw'.

"It's for defense, for Deathclaws," He explained as he kept the gun on me.

"How's a that supposed to scare a Deathclaw?" Adam asked as he cautiously made he's way to where I was standing.

"I was just thinkin' that the only thing that could scare a Deathclaw, besides me of course, is another Deathclaw," the guy answered.

Cory and Uni also started to walk over to us, "Yeah, that makes total sense."

"How about we put our weapons down so none of us get hurt," Cory points out. I hadn't realized that they were pointing guns at him.

He looked at us nervously, "Only if you put yours down first."

I raised an eyebrow, "You're the one that's out-numbered."

He kinda pouted and slowly put his weapon down, we did that same.

"So why are you scaring away Deathclaws like this?" I asked him.

He looked towards the statue, "It's supposed to defend my town. There are so many Deathclaws out here, we have to scare them away somehow."

"There's a town out here?" Cory ask.

"Yeah, it's not that far away from here," he continues, "Why are you out here? Where'd you come from?"

Cory talks to Uni real quick then turns to answer the man's question, "We're heading to the green place, it's supposed to be past this place on some type of dog bowl. Any chance we could go through you're town and make our way there?"

He thinks for a moment then shakes his head 'yes', "Possible, but you'd need to hand over your weapons."

"What? Why?" Adam quickly asks.

"Just to be safe, sadly you can't trust everyone out here in the wasteland," He answers him.

"Cory, I know we just met and all but I really don't think this is a good idea," I whispered.

"I think we'll be fine," Cory told me then looked back to the guy, "Okay fine, I'll give you my weapons. But let me ask you something."

The guy nods.

"Did you see where one of our group members went? You were probably watching us before we went up to the trap," Cory asked about Nick.

"Nope, it's all empty for miles," He told Cory.

"Thanks anyways, Guess we don't really have a choice here," Cory took out his guns and handed them over to the guy. Adam did the same.

Yeah, no way I'm doing that, maybe my guns but not my knife. I acted like I was going through my bag when actually I was trying to hide my knife. I grabbed my two guns and gave them away.

He smiled and looked at us, "Okay then, follow me."

(I know this whole format is weird and I'm sorry for the new people who are reading this, if any. But I'm trying to redo and update these previous chapters. So new chapters might come out slowly. Hope you liked this updated chapter~~)

MariahReading Out~~

(1549 words)

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