His quiet side of the hall soon filled with what sounded like a crashing against the locker.

Jc jumped back, surprised at the noise, he quickly shut his locker and went around the corner to see what the racket was.

It wasn't a racket but simply the sound of two horny teenagers.

Jc rolled his eyes to see Kian and a random girl making out against the locker.

He was pressed way too close to her and Jc being the student body president felt it was his duty to stop this disturbance.

Not to mention the sight of it made him slightly uncomfortable. He wasn't really a fan of intense PDA.

But how would he break it apart?

"Um," he coughed aloud, hoping to grab their attention.

He coughed again until he was full on hacking and his throat burned from forcefully coughing.

He was going to be late if he didn't get to class now, and he was never late.

He gave up on subtlety.

"Hey! If you want to spread meningitis can you do it somewhere else?"

Kian turned his head from where he held the girl between him.

Jc shifted on his legs uncomfortably.

The girl who he recognized as Taylor looked at Jc in shock and confusion.

"What did you just say nerd?" Kian lifted his eyebrows, he was clearly just as confused as the girl by Jc's previous statement.

"Meningitis..." The girl repeated quietly, unsure of what that meant.

"Yeah meningitis... do you not know what that is?" Jc tried to hold back a laugh.

"Not everyone's a nerd," Kian reminded him, pulling away from the girl to face Jc completely.

"Alright then how 'bout Oral microbiota? Do you know what that is?" Jc asked them in disbelief.

Still confusion.

Jc let out a frustrated sigh, "It's a bacteria found in your saliva or tongue," he said.

They girl looked unfazed by the words coming out of Jc's mouth.

Kian looked angry, but also slightly amused at Jc.

"It can lead to gum disease," he further explained, giving them a smile.

This finally caused some sort of reaction from Taylor. She gasped and held her mouth, glancing at Kian worriedly.

She quickly pulled away from Kian and started to speedily walk away.

"Oh c'mon, don't be dramatic," Kian called after the girl as she continued to walk down the hallway, probably on the edge of tears.

"You might want to get you mouth checked!" Jc shouted after the girl, earning a choked sob from her.

Jc checked his watch, he had exactly one minute left for class to start now.

I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin