"No, no, no, I can't die right now. I have to have Alpha here with me," I whisper to myself. I could feel a few tears fall down my face. 

I turn around to see very, very big yellow eyes staring at me. My whole face goes pale and my fight or flight response is basically turned on. 

My eyes widen as I figure out how big this Deathclaw was. 

I turn around, and bolt down the forest. 

"NO! No! I'm not letting this happen!" I yell and run through all the dead trees. I could hear the loud footsteps behind me. 

"Alpha! Someone! Please, HELP ME!" I tried to call out to someone. 

I'm gonna die, Oh fuck I'm going to die. All because of this stupid Camera guy and me trying to get him. He's differently not worth all this shit!

"AGH!" I screamed out as I tripped over some roots. I fell to the ground harshly and quickly turned around to see that I barely out ran the Deathclaw. I tried to back up and get as far away as it as possible. 

This is it.

I'm really done for..

I'll never see Alpha again.

I close my eyes tightly and wait for it to tear me apart. 

But quickly open them once I hear gunshots, gunshots, gun...

My gun!

I turn and grabbed my gun. 

Who ever was shooting at it was pissing it off. But if two people shoot at it, maybe..

I grab my handgun and point it at it, pulling the trigger as many times as I could.

This confused the hell out of it and it ran away. 

I'm... safe..?

I was still shaking and slowly try to get up. The I feel someone helping me up.

"Woah, hey there. Are you okay?" He said. 

"Yeah, I think I'm.." I looked at the guy who saved me, "Camera face....?" 

"Huh? Oh! Heh yeah I get that a lot. At this point it's a really normal reaction," He said, embarrassed. 

"Well, um thanks for basically saving my life but," My eyes widened, "I have to find Alpha." 

I jumped out of his grip and looked around, It was still quite foggy. 

"I actually have to find someone too, we can look together if you want. Just in case you're in need of some saving again," He joked.

I glared at him but agreed. 

"My name's Cory by the way," he smiled at me. 

I felt my face warm up at his very much handsome smile, "I'm (Y/N)."

Before I could talk to him more I could hear barking in the distance. 

"That has to be her, but what is she barking at?" I looked to Cory who obviously wanted to say something.

Don't Fall Down (A NewScapePro X Reader Fallout)Where stories live. Discover now