James Hopkins

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This story's point of view is about a 16 year old girl. Anyway a new family moved in next to us. My parents are very social and outgoing, so we walked to there house. My mother knocked on the door. One of the family members open the door, I'm sure it was the seven-teen year old boy's father. He said,

"Honey, we have neighbors." The wife said,

"Neighbors? Let them in."

The guy let us in. My dad introduce himself, my mom, and I. The boy introduce himself to me only he said,

"Hi, my name is James Hopkins. You can call me James." I said,

"Okay, James my name is Madison." When I said that he just staring at me. I told him,

"Can you please stop staring at me, your kind a making me feel uncomfortable." He said,

"Sorry." He ran upstairs. A minute later I saw a flash, I thought it was lighting. The weather forecast said it was going rain. I did hear something like it said,

"Yes, I got a pic of Madison." I just ignored it. James mother said,

" Do you want to stay for dinner." James's mom said,

My dad said ''Of course." The Hopkins family set up the table. I sat next to my mom also James sat next to me. What is his deal? Why does he want to be around me so much? Maybe he wants to be my friend.

Dad, mom, and I, finished our dinner. We thanked them and we went home. I was going to my bedroom, I saw James looking through his window. He waved his hand. I closed the window and lower the shades down.

The next morning, my mom told me to throw out the garbage. When I was throwing out the garbage, James was also throwing out his garbage as well. He said,

"Its crazy bumping into you here." He was trying to kiss me, until I smacked him in the face. I said,

"What the hell is wrong with you!? I don't like you!" He looked at me like a three year old would give to their parents when they don't give them something. If a seven-teen year old does that, its very disturbing.

Later in the afternoon, my parents told me to watch the house because they were going food shopping. I was texting my friend on my bed, for some reason my bed shook. I looked under the bed and I saw James under it. I screamed and I ran to his house. I rang the doorbell ten times. They opened the door, I told them

"Your son is crazy, he is in my house hiding under my bed." His parents told me not to call the police. I ignored them and called the police anyway.

The police came, the police found him still in my room. The police arrested James he also admitted that he was in my room 5 times. The police found a photo that he took of me sleeping on my bed in my bedroom.

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