The Honeymoon

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Me and my wife were on our honeymoon in Hawaii. We were on the island of Oahu sitting on the beach. My wife got up to go to the bathroom and when she back. She told me that there was a creepy man watching her walk into the bathroom and when she tired to walk out, he blocked her path. She got away because there were two other people walking into the bathroom, so he got out the way. I asked her,

"What did the man looked like." She looked over up her shoulder but unfortunately she said,

"He is gone."

Our hotel was a walking distance from the beach. So we got back quickly but we make sure to report the man to a police officer we saw walking on the beach.

Then we washed up before going out to eat. We ate at a fancy seafood place and did some walking afterwards. Close to midnight we finally went back to the room and began to wind down. We got a knock on the door, I looked through the peek hole. I saw a man in a maid uniform standing outside.

I opened to the door and he immediately try to let himself in. I pushed him back. He told me,

"I left something in the room and I need to get it out." The only thing, we left the Do Not Disturb sign on the door all day. I notice him making eye contact with my wife. My wife the screamed and pointed at and said,

"That the man!" I didn't understand it at first but it was late for that.

The man had already launched a me holding by my throat with one hand. While reaching behind himself with the other. He pulled out his knife and started swinging at me. If it weren't for my wife coming over and smashing his face with the lamp I would have been good as dead.

The commotion throughout all the inhabitants of the neighboring rooms. Making the sustain worse, we called the police so did the hotel. It turned into a huge horrible scene be we were just happy to be alive. We were questioned when the police arrived and and some of the people around us claim to witnessed at all.

We still don't know what kind of intentions this guy had but of I had to guess, I would say he wanted to get to my wife. He must have been one very dumb person to think you would get away with something like this in a public area.

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