My First Baby Sitting Job

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Today is my first Babysitting job, I'm going to Babysit Avery today. When Avery came to my house, she was very happy to see me. She was the most adorable little girl in the world!

Mary, Avery's mother, left. Avery said,

"Where is mommy going?" I said,

"She is going to a party with your dad." Avery said,


I put the television on for Avery. She was very happy watching Dora The Explore, while Avery is watching her kitty show. I heard gun shots, I was wondering what is going on outside. I peaked through the curtains and I saw a crazy, dangerous 35 year old man with a gun. I need to hide Avery to keep her safe!

I turned off the television, she looked at me very confused. Avery said,

"Why did you turn off the T.V?"

I didn't say anything to her, I picked Avery up and I ran up the stairs to my room. I heard the 35 year old man said,

"I'm going to kill you and that 5 year old brat!"

I took out my phone and called the police. Avery was getting scared so she was hugging my arm very tightly. Later I heard police sirens and more gun shots. I was thinking the police shot the crazy, dangerous guy. I heard knocking on the door, I told Avery to stay, I closed the door so Avery won't leave my bedroom. I walked downstairs and walked to the entrance door, I opened the door and I saw a police man and he said,

"Everything is alright Ma'am everything is taken care of." I said,

"Thank you."

I closed the door and went back upstairs and brought Avery downstairs to calm her down. I turned on the television and put on Dora The Explore on again, she walked over to the television and watched it.

An hour later, Avery's mother came to pick her up. That day, it was horrifying day in my life and Avery's life.

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