My Creepy Neighbor

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Hi, I'm Crystal. I just moved to Arizona. At 2:30PM, I was visited by my neighbor. His name is Christian Tay. He was the most sweetest young man. He made me feel good about myself. Heck when he welcomed me to the neighborhood, he baked me a cake that says, " Welcome To The Neighborhood. I hope we become friends." We chatted for 3 hours, he left my house at 5:30PM.

I went to bed at 2:00 AM because of my job. When I woke up, it was 12:00PM. I opened my front door to get the newspaper. It wasn't the newspaper, it was something extremely odd. I found on my doorstep was a really pretty bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and a love card. The card says, " Me and Crystal forever. Crystal, when we first met. I was already in love with you! My love, I couldn't go to sleep because of you. I went to bed at 1:00AM. I dreamed about you. When I woke up, I got an enormous boner!"

I said to myself, " Wait, did Christian do this?" I wanted to deny the truth, but I couldn't. I heard my phone beep, it was a text message. The message says, " I hope you enjoy your gifts."

I texted the number back, " Who is this?" The person texted me back , " It's me Christian Tay. I just got your number."

This time I didn't text him back. I was scared and confuse. I didn't know what to do. Then he started calling me numerous times, I didn't answer him. He texted me, " Why aren't you answering my calls?" I texted Christian back, "I'm busy doing my work! Can you please stop bugging me!"

After texting him that message, he stopped sending messages, he stopped calling me, and stop giving me gifts for 3 days. Until 6:00PM, he came to my house and rang the doorbell. I opened the door, I told him, " What do you want?" Christian told me, " I came here to apologize." He handed me a rose bouquet, I took the bouquet. I said, " We can be friends if you stop sending me anonymous gifts and text messages." He agreed. Now we are best friends.

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