The Pizza Delivery Horror Story 3

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I was doing a delivery at 9:30PM, since I live in the country it takes forever to go the houses. I finally got to the sketchy looking building. I got out on my car and walked to the entrance door.

Since there wasn't any doorbell, I knocked on the door really hard. I didn't hear anything, I was extremely disappointed not because nobody answered the door, I wasted so much gas and time to get here. I knocked on the door one more time and then I begin to hear some kind of rustling noises from the inside of the building.

I knocked on the door again and yelled out,

"It's the pizza guy!" There was silence now, I felt a bit uncomfortable. Before I was gonna turn around to my car. I noticed something at the window there was someone staring at me and their eyes were wider than ever.

I couldn't tell if it was a man or a women because it was dark inside the house.

I was disturbed enough by this and I dropped the pizzas and ran back to my car. The car wouldn't start until turning the key for the third time. I drove off the grass and back to the dirt road. The car was rocking, shaking and bumping something was wrong with the car.

I didn't make it far from the building before I started hearing a sharp scraping sound coming from the car. There was so much resistance that I couldn't even drive, the car completely stop. A chill ran up my spine as I began to feel like my heart was constantly skipping beats.

My tires have been slashed and had completely fallen off the rim. Not just the front, all four tires were slashed and realized somebody did this when I was knocking on the door. Instead of running, I got back in my car and locked all of doors. I'm so close the the building. I could practically see it where a I was but the trees were blocking the way.

I called 911 and the operator told me,

" The cop would be over there as soon as possible. You need to stay hidden." I asked her,

"Is it okay if I run or hide in the car." She told me,

"It would be best if you stay in the car with the door locked." She wanted to stay on the line with her until the cops arrived. My body was shaking in fear. I looked at all directions, there was only darkness and seemingly endless forest. It going to take forever for the cops to get here.

I feel very uncomfortable sitting near the building and whoever did this to my car. The next thing that completely destroyed me. Nobody doesn't need to experience this.

I was scanning every window making sure nobody was outside. I looked at the rearview mirror and I saw the same person. I saw her at the window, eyes open wider than ever. I could see that it's a women. She was forming a smile across her face. I opened the door and ran out of my car not caring how much noise I made. I ran until I was out breath which didn't take long. I hid behind a giant log on the ground. I tried coving my loud breathing with my hands.

It took a very long time for the cops to come. It felt like hours. Finally, I heard sirens in the distance. I gathered up all the stamina I had left to run all the way back in the direction of the dirt road.

Eventually the glowing red and blue light come to view and I never felt better in my life. They were parked in front of my car, investigation with flashlights. I can out yelling at them like a lunatic to help me.

I fell to the floor and stated to gag almost throwing up from running to much. They picked me up and began to question to which I explained everything. One or two cars drove over to the building and the officers began to search the building they found a lot of spiky items. Those items must've used it to slash my tires.

The cops guessed that it was some sick demented couple being that I saw the women but unfortunately they were never found. That still kills me to this day.

I quit my job after that and I work for McDonalds. I hope I never see that women ever again.

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