Man In The Walls

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I just moved into a nice house in Westchester. Sometimes I would hear strange noises inside the walls. I thought it was a rat or a mouse. All the time when I go to sleep at night. I would always hear heavy breathing in the walls of my bedroom, I ignore it.

Next morning, I was going make breakfast. When I opened the refrigerator, all of the milk was gone. I just bought milk yesterday. Maybe I drank all of the milk without knowing it. Also I didn't know I was finishing all of my food pretty fast. I didn't really care about it.

On night three, I heard human like breathing inside the walls I turned on the lamp. The breathing stop, I'm thinking the breathing is coming from the air vent in my bedroom. I got a flashlight to check it out. The most disturbing thing I saw was big blue eyes. I screamed and ran out of the house. I called the cops, they say they would be here in one minute.

The cops came, they arrested the homeless man. the cop said to me,

" This guys is very dangerous. I'm so glad your not dead. This homeless guy got arrested three times."

I said,

" Thank you Officer."

The police left, that might be the reason why my food was disappearing. It was the homeless guy who was eating all of the food and the heavy breathing I heard during the night.

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