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I'm in Austria and got the sudden urge to write so here is a quick Drabble I suppose you could call it. Yeah so anyway read on and vote and comment if you'd like :D

"I love you" Draco whispered pecking the back of Harry's neck "so much"

Harry turned slightly so he was facing Draco on the plush couched and smiled giving him a peck on the lips and mumbled put an 'I love you too'. They were sat in the room of requirements on a big leather sofa with a fireplace warming up the room. Draco was holding Harry around middle resting his head on his shoulder as he peeked at the potions homework Harry was trying to finish, something which proved to be quite hard as Draco would nuzzle his face in the crook of his neck every once in a while.

"I wish I could tell you in front of everyone you know, I really do" Draco whispered and Harry sighed putting down his homework and turning around again stroking a thumb over Draco's cheekbone.

"I know" he whispered back "I wish we could too but you know things need to calm down first, I would throughly enjoy having my boyfriend intact instead of sending his family members to Azkaban" he said kissing Draco softly.

"I hate him" Draco sighed referring to Voldemort "if only he wasn't- " he was cut off by Harry's lips.

"I know Draco and I wish you could tell me openly that you love me too, believe me I do" Harry said smiling sadly "But it seems we have to wait until we can do that safely yeah?"

Draco seemed to be in deep thought before a smug grin made its way onto his face.

"Actually.." He smirked "I think I may just have the solution dear Potter, well kind of." Harry raised an eyebrow as if telling him to go on "when we're in public every time I say potter it means I love you, okay?"

Harry stared at him mouth hanging open in awe.

"That's..." A small smile spread on Harry's lips ".. Actually not a bad idea"

"Oi!" Malfoy cried indignantly "don't sound so surprised I have way better ideas than you!" Harry just laughed.

"But wait!" Harry said mock serious "if you talk to, say Zabini, and you refer to me as potter does that mean you love me, or does it mean you're secretly confessing your love for Zabini?"

"Shut up."

And then they were kissing again, laughing and fondness evident in every move.

"I'll agree," Harry finally said " if every time I say Malfoy it means I love you too."


The next morning as Harry arrived at the great hall so did Draco.

"Potter" Draco sneered but there was a special glint in his eye.

"Malfoy" Harry said grudgingly back almost letting a small smile slip when Draco gave him a wink when no one else was watching.

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