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Lost - Kris Allen

I wanna thank you,
For all you've done,
Cause you're on to me,
You're on to me I know,

"WHERE WERE YOU HARRY!" Ginny screamed.

"I told you I was at the ministry Ginny" Harry said tiredly rubbing his temple.

"You're always at the office!  In starting to think you're regretting our marriage!" Ginny said before she turned and slammed the bedroom door shut leaving Harry standing there confused, did he regret it? He asked himself.

You tell me all the bad things I didn't know about myself,
Cause you're on to me,
You're on to me I know,

"YOURE SUCH A LIAR HARRY!" Ginny screamed after nearly an hour long argument.

"WHAT AM I LYING ABOUT GINNY!"  Harry shouted back, these fights occurred more often than not these days it seemed.

"You're such an idiot Harry!" Ginny snarled "you're the most pathetic man I've ever met!"

"And I why is that?" Harry said growing tired if the argument and just wanting to get away from the woman he married.

"Because you can't make up your mind!  And you married me when you don't even want me!" She said angrily "You  have no idea what you want you twat!"

So maybe I'm lost,
Well maybe I'm lost,
Well maybe I'm lost,
But at least I'm looking,

Harry was trying to find something, anything, that could distract him from the discomfort he felt with Ginny.  He wanted to fix their marriage, he really did, but he couldn't seem to figure out which way to go to fix it. 

He had talked to everyone he knew and tried to take their advice but he just couldn't figure out what he was feeling.

Maybe he just didn't love Ginny anymore.

I wish the cat would get your tone,
Cause you're on to me,
You're on to me I know,

"Get out." Ginny said as Harry entered the bedroom of their shared home.  Harry's brow creased.

"What? Why?" He asked it wasn't an unusual occurrence but usually he knew when he had done something wrong.  Often because Ginny would tell him.

"Well since you're so fond of your work I figure you could just sleep there!" Ginny hissed in a mean tone "You know I heard Malfoy started at the office a while back" she called as Harry left the bedroom.

What did Malfoy have to do with anything? Harry thought as he settled into the couch.  So he had showed up just before Ginny and his fights but surely Draco wasn't the reason Harry had found himself staying at work until unreasonably hours, was he?

Harry made an impulsive decision as he got back off the couch and headed back to the ministry, maybe he would find the answer there.

Maybe I'm lost,
But at least I'm looking,

When Harry arrived at his floor Draco was still there just like he had suspected, and hoped.
But when he saw the blonde it was as if he saw him in an entirely new light.  Malfoy was no longer just his colleague.

He was Draco Malfoy, the boy Harry had had a crush on for eight years, the man who had just suddenly appeared back in his life and stirred it up and he was the most beautiful creature Harry had ever seen. 

The blonde turned as Harry approached smiling and Harry noticed a glint in his eye he hadn't thought about before.

"Ginny kick you out?" Draco asked smiling.

"Something like that" Harry breathed out before he grabbed Draco's jaw and kissed him fiercely.

Draco kissed back with matched passion and Harry new he was done looking.

Just a quick little one shot :) thank you to everyone who has been liking and come bring makes my day every time :D anyway I won't have internet for a week so if my seemingly permanent writers block lifts during that time it'll be up after :)

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