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I'm finally back!!! I'm sorry for not writing lately but I've had psat's and lot's of work on my back, endless babysitting, and pretty much all of the above! Thank you for continuing to read the story if you are :-)











I nervously fidgeted with my fingers, and looked around uneasily, praying the ground would open up and swallow me whole.

20 seconds went by until I heard a voice. Then a laugh. A girl's laugh. Actually, it sounded like two people were laughing. Two girl's laughs? I couldn't tell.

My heart froze in the depths of my rib cage as the knob started to turn.

On our way over here, I'd gone over many times in my head what I would say to whoever was behind the door, and I'd got it down to a tee.

"Hey! I'm so so sorry for just disappearing out of nowhere! I hope we can pick up where we left off and just forget about this whole incident. Wanna go make s'mores and watch Gilmore Girl re-runs?!"

I had perfected the monologue in my mind flawlessly, but when my eyes met Tammi's behind the translucent storm door, all that came out was, "aweobjjesaljr," aka the equivalent of alphabet soup.

She stood still like a statue, making no move to open the door. Her expression went from shocked to emotionless. When she noticed Ben, her eyes widened. She unlocked the door and let us in, giving me the cold shoulder, and Ben a huge welcome.

I suddenly felt two feet tall and very foolish, as I stood in the entrance way of the home, with my suitcase in either hand. I felt almost as if I was an awkward third wheeler, who had never seen these people in my life.

Completely ignoring me, she dragged Ben into the kitchen, and I glumly followed, suddenly fascinated with the floor tile pattern.

Jaycee looked up instantly from her seat and we locked eyes for the first time in what felt like forever. I smiled, expecting her to do the same and come over to talk. Instead she, gave an uncomfortable half-grin and quickly averted her eyes to her plate. I watched painfully as she avoided looking at me, and hastily cleaned her dish, walking out the room.


Tammi must have noticed this silent interaction because she gave me a quick condescending glare, and turned her attention back to Ben who was seemingly mesmerized by her appearance. I couldn't blame him completely. They had not seen each other in years, and she was undoubtedly gorgeous.

I sighed, and clumsily rolled my bag out the kitchen and toward the staircase.

I took a deep breath and tried to contact my inner peace of mind...or whatever was left of it. I looked up the stairs and listened for any sign of voice or footstep. I didn't want to run into...well, you know.

Deciding the coast was clear, I slowly crept up the stairs quietly like I was a robber or something.

Reaching the last step felt like winning the marathon. I looked around once more and saw no one. Just the familiar layout, lounge chairs, and glass screen door leading to a hot tub and terrace.

I made my way to my "room." The one that had taken my breath away the minute I walked in those many weeks ago.

Everything about it was perfect. The colors, the decorum, the canopy bed with the 50 pillows.

Roommates For The SummerWhere stories live. Discover now