Six Guys, Four Girls, ONE Beach House!

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"Tammi drive faster!!!!"  I yelled excitedly into my friends ear.

"OW! Sara stop screaming, do you want me to get a freaking ticket?!"

"Shut up both of you and calm down! We're going to be the first one's there, without a doubt!" Nicole said, with an anxious expression.

We still had a good half hour drive in front of us until we reached the Key Gates Beach House. Jaycee (who was currently passed out in the back) had these extremely generous parents, and as a gift they gave her permission to bring 3 guests to stay at the house for THE ENTIRE SUMMER. The only concern is that her parents do not own the property, and there are two parties sharing the house- Us, and another unknown group of people. Why are we freaking out?---We have NO idea who our company was going to be. My worst fear is that it's going to be a bunch of old people, or even worse a group of snarky teenage girls...We do NOT need any drama in the house, and we of course all want the best rooms!

Tammi opened the roof of her Jeep, and blasted music, melting a bit of stress away from everyone.

We sang loudly (and off-key) and danced randomly as we belted out wrong lyrics. Even over the deafening roar of the wind and music, we could hear a bunch of hoots and cat calls coming from the truck next to us. Surprise, surprise it was a bunch of guys who looked around our age.

Me, living up to my title "Shy Sara," slid down and covered my face in embarassment. Even Tammi who was driving, lifted her sunglasses to get a better look. Nicole, being boy crazy, waved like a madwoman and started jerking around insanely, nearly jabbing my eye out. Jaycee, was just out of it, sleeping like a child in the back seat.

I stayed ducked down, dodging Nicole's flying limbs.

I checked my phone, and saw a text from my parents. They were hesitant in sending me to Florida for the summer, and by hesitant, I mean I literally have been begging them since April. They were pleased with my final report card and agreed to let me go.

I opened the message and read, "Are you guys almost there! Text us when you arrive, and send pics! xoxo -Mom and Dad

I laughed and shot a quick message back. Apparently my parents thought they were 'cool' ever since they learned how to text. 

I was about to fish for a snack in my bag when Tammi's shrill scream made me jump. Even Jaycee finally woke up, groggy and confused.


Nicole finally pulled away from the window, and we all crowded to look. 


We all screamed and jumped around as restrained as we were by the seat belts. Finally, after 3 hours of driving, we're here!

The GPS estimated 5 minutes of local until we would arrive at destination.

We scrambled to pull together anything that had fallen, and fastened our beach bags. Our suitcases were secured in the trunk.

My heart fluttered as we drove through the sunshining, sandy roads. Little shops and boutiques scattered the roads, as vendors sold everything from refreshments, to trinkets, to tanning oil.

The beach was right down the road, and the mansion we were staying at was supposedly right on the sand. I could already hear the splashing of water, and the whistles of the life guards. The sun beamed down at us as if it were saying, "Welcome home!" My home for the next three months. Nicole pointed to a snow cone place, brimming with bodies.

Out of the rearview mirror I could see a black truck right on our tail.

"Guys, is it just me, or is that the same car we saw on the highway!?!"

Tammi looked in the front mirror and nodded in confirmation. "Yea, I think so!"

Nicole got all hyper and almost jumped out the car, and Jaycee just sat passively, applying lip balm.

"Are they following us!?!" I asked, loudly. I was getting a little scared.

"We'll see if they are, the left turn into the mansion is right ahead of us." Tammi said.

We made the turn into the Key Gates Mansion, and sure enough, the truck made the SAME turn. 

Oh. MY. GOD.

"We're being stalked!!!!" I screamed. 

"Just chill, they probably need directions or something." Nicole said, with a grin on her face.

"GUYS look at this freaking house!!!!" 

Our heads turned simultaneously, and I choked on a gasp. The mansion was larger than I would have ever expected. It was a beautiful, modern, Tahiki styled house, with huge windows and glass doors.  The sparkling blue of the ocean peeked at us right from behind the property. Gorgeous palm trees surrounded the home, giving it a serene, Eden-like feeling. If there was a heaven on earth, this would most definitely be it.

Tammi pulled into the driveway, which was more like a parking lot. My eyes flew open as I counted...TEN BRAND NEW CARS IN THE DRIVEWAY!!! 

The cars came with residence, and each guest received one for the duration of his/her stay. We were all already given vouchers for gas, and were allowed to take the cars wherever we pleased. 

The girls were screaming, but I sat motionless as I calculated. If there are 10 cars in the driveway, and four of us...we have SIX OTHER PEOPLE WE'RE SHARING THIS HOUSE WITH!

Just then it clicked in my head, and I figured it all out. Maybe the people in the truck... 

I just noticed I was the only one still in the car, and I quickly scrambled out. 

The sight in front of me confirmed my thoughts as SIX GUYS PILED OUT IN FRONT OF MY VERY EYES!

Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!






AHHH I'm like super jelly, like WHY CANT THIS HAPPEN TO ME D; This was just the prologue, so stay tuned if you liked it!!!! :X :D

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